Ukraine.  Authorities: Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov assumes unofficial authority over occupied Donbass

The Ukrainian government portal of the Center for National Opposition reported on Friday that Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Chechnya in Russia’s North Caucasus, unofficially controls the Russian-occupied Donbass region. This is evidenced, among other things, by personnel changes in Luhansk Oblast.

Prosecutor General Gleb Mikhailov from Caucasian Dagestan, loyal to Kadyrov, sent to Luhansk, brought Ukraine their plaintiffs. In addition to repression, their task will be to legalize the crimes of the so-called Kadyrovs in the Luhansk region. The first result of the new authorities’ actions was sending about 200 teenagers to Chechnya to receive “military and patriotic education,” which can be described as “difficult youth,” according to the website.

At the same time, more and more Chechen delegations are constantly arriving in Donetsk. Visitors from the Caucasus control the performance of the Moscow rulers there Donbass Informal obligations to Kadyrov. In a week in Donbass, among others, Chechen Information Minister Akhmad Dudayev, Chechen parliamentarian Dzamalai Zakriev, Kadyrov’s adviser Umar Daudov, Chechen singer Elena Murtazova. In addition, the authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics awarded Kadyrov the title of “hero,” the National Opposition Center reported.

Ramzan Kadyrov Getty Images

As it was added, the “huge number of Kadyrovs” in the Donbass affects this situation. According to Kyiv, the Chechen army has “unlimited power” in the occupied territories. The portal reports that soldiers from the Caucasus are looting the area, taking business assets and valuables home.

Kadyrovtsy in the war against Ukraine

The so-called Kadyrovtsy are forces subordinate to the commander of Chechnya (officially the president of the republic) Ramzan Kadyrov, and make up a significant part of the National Guard (Rosgvardia) – a formation created in 2016 on the basis of the internal forces of the Amur Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia It is led by General Viktor Zolotov, the former head of the president’s personal security Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Since February 24, i.e. the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there have been reports of crimes committed by Kadyrov’s followers, as well as their privileged position in the Russian army, which is said to lead to conflicts with other Russian units. According to numerous reports from the front, Kadyrov’s forces are also used to pacify the civilian population.

Main image source: Getty Images

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