The wild robot will touch the hearts of viewers around the world.  Cinema animation trailer

Cinematic animated film Wild robot The film is based on the popular novel of the same name by Peter Brown. Chris Sanders, the director of such films, is responsible for the quality of emotions that viewers experience in the cinema Lilo and Stitch, the Croods And How to train your dragon. He was nominated for an Academy Award three times. The full trailer aims to highlight the potential of this wild robot story.

Wild Robot – Trailer

First we have a trailer in the Polish dub, then the same trailer in the English version.

See also:

Mysterious - Season 2
Boys - 4. Season

Wild – what’s the matter?

The story tells the story of the futuristic robot Rozzum 7134, which washes up on a beach on a deserted island. While learning about her new home, she unexpectedly comes to care for an orphaned goose, which she names Brightbill. Together they fight to survive in difficult circumstances, and succeed thanks to the help of a group of misfits who become their family. Roz and his companions will have to defend the island against an invasion of hostile robots who want to return Roz to her manufacturer at any cost.

The voice cast includes Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Catherine O’Hara, Bill Nighy, Kate Connor, Stephanie Hsu, Mark Hamill, Matt Berry, and Ving Rhames.

Wild Robot – World premiere on September 27, 2024. The film will be released in Poland on October 11.

See also:

The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim

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