The war in Ukraine.  Agona Morozova was trapped under the rubble.  Shocking confession of a Ukrainian woman

Despite the violent attack of the Russians Ukraine does not surrender, insisting on defending itself against invaders. She decided to contribute to saving her country Ajuna Morozovawho became a volunteer and provided meals to the soldiers. Then her nightmare began…

After the Russian missile attack The Ukrainian woman found herself under the rubble. According to her account, she spent two hours there asking for help in all the languages ​​she knows. I thought I was going to be buried alive – After all, Morozowa wrote in an email addressed to the Ukrainian Swimming Federation. Another volunteer helped her, who heard her cry and plead for help to get out of the rubble.

I can still hear noises in my ears. I worked as a volunteer and I was pouring tea on the soldiers when the missile fell. She screamed loudly and flogged. Then I remember it I was lying underground. It was very crowded around. I couldn’t move and could hardly breathe. I cried and prayed for it to end – Describes the dramatic events of Morozov in a letter sent to

– After some time the savior heard my screams, but Then the second missile fell and I stayed even more scattered with debris. However, my husband was still looking for me and forced the rescuers to check the site of the attack again. One of the volunteer rescue workers heard me crying and started to kick me out. I am alive – Morozov continued her story.

As she admitted, she is constantly trying to contact Ukrainian swimmers to protect them. This is just one of many stories depicting the inferno of war unleashed by Vladimir Putin, who ruled Russia.

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