‘The left howls again’

The Belarus issue is actually microscopic at the moment,” PiS member Peter Kalita, deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Administration and Internal Affairs Committee, told wPolityce.pl.

Read also: Who are the refugees on the border with Belarus? a. Karsky: This is part of Lukashenka’s hybrid war.

We asked PiS Member of Parliament Peter Kalita how he assessed the actions of some of the opposition regarding the tense situation on the border with Belarus.

Left howl again with some of his strange views. Sometimes it’s hard to comment on it, you just have to notice it. I mean these two gentlemen (Members Szczerba and Joński – Editor). It’s just a shame for them, I won’t even mention their names, because I’m a bit disgusted with it

– says the politician.

You have to do your job, they haven’t changed anything. Everything that has happened in Western Europe recently, all these attacks did not give them anything to understand. But the reason may be that they have told them, they only feel the moment of existence and this is embarrassing, despicable and unfortunately dangerous

– He adds.

Kalita: We have to completely separate ourselves from Belarus

We also asked to comment on the situation on the border with Belarus.

The situation is certainly developmental and dynamic. I will go in the direction that the situation may deteriorate

– says Kalita.

It is not a question of taking any action, it is a question of common European policy. I think Poland should simply focus at the moment on making a policy towards Belarus and basically offering all the solutions that we have to take with Lithuania.


These measures must be based on the fact that we must now completely separate ourselves from Belarus in order to protect Polish citizens

– He adds.

The correct response from the European Union?

Our interlocutor was also asked about the reaction of the European Union to the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border.

No reaction at the moment, as it seems to me to go in the direction of expectation. My assessment is that you need to focus first on evacuating all vulnerable citizens of Afghanistan, ie fixing the mistakes of Biden and his administration, and then we’ll think about what to do next.

– confirms Pyotr Kalita.

The Belarus case is actually microscopic at the moment. It’s all about not setting a precedent and we have to stick to that. This is something that is about to explode. Because the exodus of Afghans is clear

– The politician thought.

It seems to me that someone is going to try to play on it. I am afraid that the question will arise (because there are rumors from Russia) that the Afghans will first flood the territory of Ukraine, and only then will try to escalate to the whole of Europe. All this is in front of us too, and we must prepare for it

– Summarizes the Law and Justice Party Act.

Read also:

A loyal cat with a Bedouin on the border. “They wanted to leave him, but he was still following them.” Nice story though? comments

our meeting. Problems at the border with Belarus. Nissan: If we give in to the pressure, it probably won’t be 50, but 50k. immigrants

Another stage in the Lukashenka operation? Belarus wants to hit Poland with this recording! They brought a group of migrants to the border.” Video


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