SMS containing a voicemail message is a scam.  Police warn against activating links

Police officers from the Municipal Police Headquarters in Mesovice (voivodeship SilesiaI mentioned on social media that thieves have found a new way to deceive citizens. It’s about an SMS containing an purported message from voicemail. Even one of the editors of received a message with this content.

SMS from scammers regarding voicemail Photo:

Beware of SMS from scammers! They steal data by sending malware

Note in a new way scammers! The SMS contains a link. It encourages you to download the app to your device. If you download it, malware will be installed on your phone that can steal your bank login details” — Uniforms warned from Mysłowice and reminded them to be especially careful with this type of message.

“Remember not to click on links rashly and download unknown files. You may lose all your savings from your bank account in this way,” the officials added. Police men Post a typical Facebook text message sent by scammers. “ak3 voicemail: You have one new voicemail. Go to” – to read the message text.

Barbed wire fence on the Polish-Belarusian border150 km of barbed wire on the Polish border. “I’m ashamed. It’s a shame.”

What is phishing?

According to police officers from Pruszcz Gdański, phishing is a fraudulent method in which a criminal impersonates another person or organization in order to obtain confidential information, infect a computer with malware, or persuade the victim to take specific actions.

“A common target for scammers – scammers are Banky or online auctions. The offender usually initiates an attack by sending appropriately prepared messages by email, which pretend to be official correspondence from a bank, auction site, or other portals. They usually contain information about the alleged deactivation of the account and the need to reactivate it. The e-mail contains a link to a page where you can reactivate your account ”- we read in the police announcement.

Migrants in the vicinity of Usnarz GórnyMigrants at the Polish-Belarus border. The camp is covered

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