She played Beata Cauca with her daughter in one movie.  Zuzanna Bernat is a copy of her mother.  What a similarity

Piata Kaoka She is an actress known to viewers from such productions as “Package: Without Mercy”, “Fugitives of Gold” and “Samo Życie”, in which she played the twin sisters Donata and Tamara Leszynski. The star has a 24-year-old daughter, Susanna Bernat, who has followed in her professional footsteps. Both ladies had the chance to play in one Movie Other people. They promoted it together during the film festival in Gdynia.

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Beata Cauca and Zuzana Bernat in one movie

Piata Cauca and Zuzana Bernat were among the stars This year’s Polish festival Films Feature films in Gdynia. The two actresses collaborated in the filming of “Other People” directed by Alexandra Terbiska. According to WP Gwiazda, during a press conference promoting Kawka’s production, she was revealing that at first he wasn’t sure if he was the right person for the production. She even advised the director to contact her fellow actresses. Susanna Bernat also appeared in auditions for the song “Other People”. It was then that the production decided that his mother should also be involved. tells this during a press conference Movie The 24-year-old was asked how she worked with Beatka Kawka. Then she answered:

Playing with my mother was just the same as playing with any other actor I’ve met before. We did well – quotes the site.

Magda NarwenaMagda Narwina shocked the fans. “This is my transformation.” Pink and purple on the head

It wasn’t the first mother-daughter collaboration movie. Both actresses played together for 15 years in
‘clear blue windows” Directed by Bogoslav Linda. Zuzanna Bernat herself has also played roles in productions such as “United States of Love”, “Pitbull: New Orders” and “Pitbull: Dangerous Woman”. She also works in dubbing. Her voice, among others, was one of the heroes of “Speed ​​Racer” or one of Gryffindor’s students in “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald”.

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