Saving for retirees?  High valuation of benefits and allowances.  How much will retirees earn next year? [WYLICZENIA]

Pension additions are also indexed. Currently, the current assay index is assumed to be 16.6 percent. On the basis of this, conclusions are drawn as to what the valuation may be in the coming year. While these values ​​may change, it is worth checking out the current simulation. How much can future nursing benefits be? What is the value? Here is the list!


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valuation data It is calculated based on information about wage increases and the level of inflation. Thanks to this data, it is possible to predict how much pensioners will earn in the coming year. However, it must be remembered that much depends on the stability of the listed indicators.

We recommend

In the case of the elderly As a rule, pensions are subject to benchmarking as well as pensions. However, many retirees also receive special allowances (such as nursing benefits). These benefits are also subject to reassessment each year. It also includes a compensation allowance, an allowance for clandestine education, or an allowance for deportation to forced labor in labor camps.

We recommend

According to the current information on the level of inflation and the amount of the bonus, the allocation is expected to increase by 16.6%. This may change of course, but now we already know how much pensioners can earn from these allowances. We’ve put the exact simulations of the calculations in the gallery!

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