Russia.  Alexander Lukashenko talks about Poland’s alleged plans.  Troops were formed

– In Poland, military units have already been formed on the border, ready to enter Ukraine, Alexander Lukashenko said. In Sochi, he met with the Russian President. They discussed Western commanders and “mercenaries” in the Ukrainian army.

Vladimir Putin met with the Belarusian dictator at his residence in Sochi. During a meeting with reporters, the Russian President heard a question about… Relations with Kim Jong Un Western countries fear increased tension due to information about the use of Korean volunteers.

Putin denied these reports, but decided to speak out Alexander Lukashenko. He stated that Western leaders “must first calculate for themselves how many mercenaries have been sent to participate in the Ukrainian conflict,” BelTA reports.

– Secondly, these are dangerous statements (by Western leaders – editor). They dream and see their regular units there (in Ukraine – Editor). In Poland, it has already been formed on the border, and I also talked about that, Military units ready to enter Ukraine – said the Belarusian dictator.

See: Alexander Lukashenko responds to demands from Poland and the Baltic states regarding the Wagner Group

Putin added that he “strongly agrees with this position.” He also noted that the Russian army is detecting “foreign mercenaries” both on the battlefield and in training units.

Propaganda of Russia and Belarus against Poland

In recent days, Polish services have reported increased activity by the authorities Belarusian and Russian propagandaWhich tried to show Poland as a weak and aggressive country at the same time.

State Commissioner for Information Space Security of the Republic of Poland Stanislav Zarin It stated, “Russia continues its operations to discredit entities and structures responsible for the security of the Republic of Poland. Recently, the Russians, among other things, carried out another attempt to undermine the ability of the Polish Armed Forces to protect Poland and Poles.”

Propaganda of Moscow and Minsk operates on several levels. Information about Poland’s alleged readiness to enter western Ukraine It has long appeared and is a constant element in the speeches of Eastern leaders.

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