The breakup of Martyna Wojciechowska and Przemek Kossakowski came as a shock to their fans and relatives as well as to people from the industry.
After all, the couple seems to be completely identical, and only a few months ago they got married, which should only be a confirmation of their love. Unexpectedly, Przymek walked out of the house three months after he said the sacred secret “yes”.
In an official statement, Martina admitted that she was very surprised by the decision of the chosen one.
“This sudden change was a huge surprise to me, because responsibility, commitment and a certain word were and always will be my highest values. My decision to marry was deeply thought out and I treated it very seriously” – wrote Martina.
No wonder many fans decided that Kozakovsky was to blame for the breakup.
Sam “Kosa” tries not to get too concerned about criticism and hate online and does his job. He recently appeared at a music festival, and is now proud to have an exhibition with… his paintings!
By the way, he admitted that he was severely criticized and even considered a hacker.
“Ińskie Lato Filmowe is a creative collective made up of people with ideas, and the idea of an exhibition of Kosakovsky’s paintings in a closed restaurant kitchen is really a warm-up idea,” Przymek explained. This warm-up is a prelude to something greater, which is the transformation of the Omega Restaurant into a full-fledged art gallery, which will have much more value to offer than the exhibitions of celebrities at risk” – wrote Przymek.
Do you think he regrets ending his marriage to Martina?
“Amateur social media maven. Pop cultureaholic. Troublemaker. Internet evangelist. Typical bacon ninja. Communicator. Zombie aficionado.”