Police Simulator is “GTA coupled with law enforcement.”  The German game surprises with high ratings and sales

The inconspicuous German project is very popular. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers was released on November 10, 2022 and is selling big.

The work of the German studio Aesir Interactive entered the fifth place in the ranking of game sales in the UK, according to Data from the Microsoft Store. Thanks to this, Police Simulator has been among the bestsellers like FIFA 23, Grand Theft Auto V or Red Dead Redemption 2.

The game is also surprisingly good at first reviews. For example, the editors of ImpulseGamer gave Police Simulator a 9/10, stating that this title is like “Grand Theft Auto on the law enforcement side.” In an open world (big city) production, we deal not only with minor offenses, such as road accidents, but also with more serious crimes or accidents.

A less optimistic picture of the German game is given by Xbox Era, which gave it a score of 2/10 in its text. The editor only praises Police Simulator’s co-op mode, criticizing almost everything else. The biggest problem with the title is not the best graphics and boring gameplay, mainly focused on … issuing fines and stopping drunk drivers.

On Steam, the title has a good reputation. The game is recommended by Aesir Interactive 85% of fresh mint acid. The game is available for PLN 108 and is available on PC (Steam), PS4, PS5, XOne, XSX/XSS.

Ratings in reviews Police Simulator: Patrol Officers

  • Impulse Gamer 9/10
  • Nexus 8/10 games
  • GameSpew 7/10
  • Pure Dead Gaming 7/10
  • Game patch 6.5/10
  • Movies, games and technology 6.5/10
  • Creed Games 4/10
  • @TheXboxHub 3/10
  • Xbox Era 2/10

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