It was like in the movies.  Survivors were rescued from the Pacific Ocean

Castaways who spend entire weeks on deserted islands now only exist in movies? of course not. Three men who experienced it firsthand found out.

CNN reported. Last Tuesday, the US Navy and Coast Guard rescued three sailors stranded on a small island in the Pacific Ocean.. They lived on a piece of land surrounded by endless expanses of ocean for more than a week. On the beach, they made a large sign saying “Help” made of palm leaves.

How did the sailors end up on a deserted island? On March 31, the men intended to fish in the surrounding waters Three picelotes, part of Micronesia. The island is about 450 meters long and about 280 meters wide. The journey started from Pulwat Atoll, an island about 160 kilometers from Bekilot. Unfortunately, their 20-meter boat was damaged by high waves. According to the US Coast Guard. Outboard motor failure.

The sailors managed to reach the shore of a deserted island. However, they died before they could call for help. The only way to escape from problems was to create a large “help” sign..

For more than a week they ate coconut meat. Fortunately, there was a small well on the island that they could tap into Potable water. The well was dug by local fishermen who sometimes visit this place.

The search for the men began on April 6, when the family of one of the missing persons contacted rescue services stationed at the place US territory of Guam In the Pacific Ocean. A US Navy P-8A reconnaissance aircraft sent from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan was included in the search. On April 7, the pilots noticed a distress call on one of the islands.

This was stated by Lt. Chelsea Garcia, search and rescue mission coordinator The inscription created by the survivors was crucial to finding them. The area of ​​the research area is 266,800 square kilometers, which is larger than the area of ​​Romania.

After the survivors were found, they were dropped by a search plane Emergency backpacks Their exact location was sent to the rescue center. Two days later, a lifeboat reached them – at which point the procedure took a slightly unexpected turn.

It turned out that one of the rescuers was there related to survivors. As Eugene Haleslius, one of the rescuers, said: – It's a crazy world, I've already discovered that I'm connected to them!

It should be noted that these are not the first survivors on the same island. In 2020, three men were also fired in Pikelot We ran out of fuel during the flight. Sailors on shore wrote “SOS,” and the message was accidentally noticed by a US Air Force aircrew who passed the information to rescue services.

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