Cesare Colesa made his first very important decision as president of the Polish Football Association!  Football revolution

Probably everyone who played football when he was young, or even sent his children to school, knows the concept of “games Often the children’s team gets a positive result and its coach orders the team to play on time to maintain the score. PZPN This inhibits the development of children, and at the same time develops unhealthy competition, although children’s ball is primarily intended to be fun.

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– From the 2021/2022 season, the records of results and tables were written off in the age groups G2 (dwarf) – E1 (eagle). Match results will not be entered into match protocols and referee reports. In the fall round for the 2021/2022 season, these matches will be played according to the current format approved by the individual provincial football associations, but without results and schedules. Beginning in the spring tour, all ZPNs in the provinces will conduct children’s games according to a unified system established by the Department of Training and National Teams. PZPN. In the 2021/2022 season, a transition period will be introduced, allowing regional ZPN to run the league tables in the E1 (Younger Eagle) competitions, in order to determine the teams’ standings at the end of the playing season, allowing teams to be established in the D2 (junior) competitions in the upcoming 2022 season. /2023 – We read in the official announcement.

Today, the first component of the large-scale training reform comes into effect. We start with games for children aged 6-11. We are convinced, like many experts, that children’s training should be based on play, not competition – he said Cesare ColisaThe new president of the Polish Football Association.

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“The main thing is that the result should not be an end in itself.”

A few years ago, Marek Wurzinovsky, a journalist from the WP Sportowe Fakty, spoke on this topic with Mariusz Paszkowski, co-founder of the Laboratorium Futbol Academy and organizer of Training for Coaches conferences. – A few years ago, there was a common opinion among the youth coaches that there is great pressure on the result, which hinders the development of the players. Does this approach still exist? Wawrzynowski asked.

– Yes, we still can’t get past it. Remember that there is always pressure in sports, children put on themselves, and this is normal because they want to win themselves. So the extra pressure from the coach or parent isn’t necessary, it’s just crippling. Therefore, I think it is necessary to change the system beforehand. It is appropriate to develop such a system of games that mainly develops the skills of young players. It’s not that the score game itself is bad, but the main thing is development. After a few years, no one remembered the results, but the skills remained. The main thing is that the result should not be an end in itself. So that young players are not afraid to build excitement from behind – Paszkowski answered.

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However, not all fans are in favor of filtering results.

  • “It’s about organizing the matches between the teams. Let them all play inside the matches.
  • “In PE? That’s fine, but when we’re training for professionals, there has to be a competition that motivates these kids to develop. You probably don’t let the parents in, like in most other kids’ courses.”
  • “Why? Because the tables are to blame?”
  • “Cretina, maybe let them play without the ball…”

This is part of the fan comments on Twitter, but there are more to these.

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