Ramsay Hunt Syndrome |  Justin Bieber has canceled the rest of his US tour

If Justin Bieber’s fans had slim hopes of attending the last concerts of his US tour, they would have nothing left. Justin Bieber, suffering from Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, has been forced to cancel the rest of his US tour.

Released at 1:44 p.m.

Henia Old-Hammov

Henia Old-Hammov

The Canadian singer revealed he was suffering from a facial stroke last week, forcing him to cancel certain dates of his tour, including two concerts in Toronto. In the video he posted on his Instagram account, he explained that he could only smile on one side of his mouth and blink in one eye.

“For those who are frustrated that my upcoming shows are being canceled, I can’t physically do them,” he said.

A few shows were already postponed last week, but since then all U.S. Justice Tour concerts have been canceled.

“Justin continues to receive excellent medical treatment, he is confident of recovery and looks forward to being back on the road for his fans abroad again later this summer,” show producer AEG Presents said in a statement.

New concert dates have not yet been announced.

What is Ramsay Hunt Syndrome?

It is a painful rash that affects the facial nerve near the ear. In addition to facial numbness, it can cause hearing loss. The virus that causes Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is the same virus that causes chicken pox and singles.

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