We have a plan in case the gas supply is interrupted

Companies have prepared operational plans and scenarios in the event of an interruption or limitation in the supply of natural gas– Reassure the press services of Lazutti.

Group Azote It also reported that natural gas supplies to its plants are under an agreement with Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo. Grupa Azoty emphasizes: “Poland can get gas from various directions, including the gas links on the western and southern borders and the LNG terminal in Świnoujście. The balance complements the extraction of domestic gas and the high fuel reserves stored in Polish gas storage facilities.”

Grupa Azoty is a strategic company controlled by the state treasury. It is the country’s largest fertilizer producer, and also produces plastics and chemical products. As noted by BDM analysts, Grupa Azoty uses approximately 2.3 billion cubic meters per year. natural gas. This raw material is mainly used in the production of fertilizers. The group has its factories, including in Tarnów, Puławy, Police and Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The largest share of gas costs is located in Puławy (40% share of total costs).

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