The United States has bad news for Ukraine.  Financing weapons on a knife edge

Kirby was referring to a letter sent to Congress by James McCord, the Pentagon’s auditor. In the letter, McCord outlined plans to use the last $1 billion available to shore up arms stockpiles tied to aid to Ukraine. McCord emphasized that without additional funds from Congress, it would be possible to finance another package only because of the need to maintain US military readiness.

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See also: Ukraine strengthens its defense. “Dragon’s Teeth” on the border with Belarus

The United States is running out of money to arm Ukraine

A spokesman for the National Security Council confirmed this information during a press conference. He added that the new weapons package will be announced before the end of the year:

“We have enough (money) for one good relief package. But I can’t say right now exactly what it will be in and what the total amount will be. But we think we only have one package left,” Kirby said.

A National Security Council spokesman called on Congress to take action and expressed openness to reaching a compromise on immigration reform. It is a condition for Republicans to approve additional funding.

Additional funds for Ukraine from the United States. The impasse continues

However, negotiators on both sides indicated over the weekend that despite progress, the matter is so complex that a deal will not be finalized before Christmas and New Year. The House of Representatives, which still must vote on the bill, has gone into recess, expected to last until January 9, although it may be shortened.

According to Pentagon data, the administration still has the authority to transfer more than $4 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine.. However, it will not have the funds to replenish its arsenal. Some Republican senators claim the aid may continue for some time, but the administration appears to rule out providing more aid to Ukraine without replacing the donated weapons.

“If there is no agreement in Congress, we will not be able to provide more aid without jeopardizing US military readiness,” a National Security Council official told AFP on Monday.

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