The Russians want to seize the German telescope.  They don’t even ask for permission…

Specter-RG He went into orbit on July 13, 2019. He was taken aboard a rocket proton-m From Suite 81/24 in the Spaceport Baikonur. This is a joint German-Russian project to study high-energy particle astrophysics, the future of which has been called into question after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Max Planck Institute, Handle the task control on the German side, put it to sleep eROSITA telescopewhich was placed on board the probe. Thus, German scientists decided to protest the unjustified invasion of Ukraine. eROSITA that X-ray telescopeIt is the primary research instrument aboard the Spektr-RG probe. Work called the Russian component ART-XC.

The decision made by the German side turned out to be harsh for the Russian scientists. The research, which the Russians intend to resume, was suspended without the consent of the German side, Deutsche Welle reported. The information contains a link to a TV interview with the participation of Dmitry Rogozin, Roscosmos headWho spoke openly about his intentions for this mission.

Rogozin gave the order to begin work on restoring the work of the Erocita telescope. It is the result of pressure from Russian specialists who insisted on continuing the work of the device. In a TV interview He pointed out that Germany has no moral rightTo stop the search for humanity for political reasons.

Regardless of the fact that Dimitrij Rogozin Noting the pressures of Russian scientists, the fact is that not everyone supports this decision. He was among those who criticized Russia’s intentions, among others Lev Zeleny, Scientific Director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Zeleni, in one of the Russian newspapers, indicated strong opposition to this decision. He bases his position on doubts about whether the Russians will be able to properly operate the German machine.

The risk of damage to the telescope was also noted Rashid Sunayef, the research supervisor at Spektr-RG, who is concerned that Russian scientists might damage a German telescope display. This was reported by the Russian private agency Interfax. Sunyaev emphasized how unique and complex this device is. Ignoring the agreements with Germany could harm not only the eROSITA telescope, but most of all the entire probe.

The German-Russian space probe orbits a halo about 1.5 million km from Earth. The eROSITA telescope, part of the dispute between mission organizers, is scanning the universe in the medium range of X-rays. The device consists of seven identical mirror units that ensure the high sensitivity of the telescope.

eROSITA is used to map the universe, discover black holes in nearby galaxies, and study the physics of X-ray sources, such as supernova remnants.

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