Rosyjska inwazja na Ukrainę dowodzona jest z Moskwy i Rosja nie ma na Ukrainie dowódcy kierującego całością operacji - informuje w piątek "The New York Times", powołując się na przedstawicieli administracji USA. Według dziennika decyzje dotyczące ruchów wojsk ma podejmować sam Władimir Putin.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is being commanded from Moscow and Russia does not have a leader responsible for the entire operation in Ukraine, the New York Times reported Friday, citing representatives of the US administration. According to the newspaper, decisions regarding military movements are taken, among other things, by Vladimir Putin himself.

According to what the newspaper quoted US officials as saying, there is no immediate identification of the commander in chief of the invasion. One of the reasons for the weakness of the position of the Russian forces in UkraineCoordination problems between the various types of armed forces and with forces adapted to changing circumstances. It was also assumed that this factor contributed to the death of at least seven generals, since the prevailing chaos forced them to be at the front in order to personally solve the tactical problems of the troops.

As the New York Times writes, US services and the Pentagon waited for weeks without success for the commander responsible for the Russian attack to appear. In the end, they concluded that decisions regarding the battlefield were made hundreds of kilometers away, from Moscow, and that it was the responsibility of the Russian Defense Minister. Sergei ShoiguChief of the General Staff, General. Valery Gerasimoveven alone put it in. According to analysts, this complicates the matter and the exchange of information.

According to the opinion of one of the mentioned representatives, Russian soldiers, trained not to move without the approval of their superiors, were “frustrated on the battlefield, while Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov continued to plot a strategy increasingly detached from reality.”

According to the newspaper, former US Army General Jeffrey Chaucer shared the Russian strategy and focus on the offensive in the Donbass. It may not produce the results that Russia wants due to a lack of sufficient forces.

“They do not seem to have a coherent conception of how much force will be required to defeat the regular and regional forces of Ukraine in urban areas (…) For this, hundreds of thousands of additional soldiers will be required” – assessment of the army.

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