WWE Royal Rumble 2022 Results

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WWE hosted its Royal Rumble Premium Live event on Saturday, January 29, 2022, live from the Dome in St. Louis, Missouri.

The WWE Royal Rumble 2022 Kickoff welcomes us with a team of Kayla Braxton, Jerry Lawler, Peter Rosenberg, Booker T and Kevin Patrick. The group discusses the evening and watches videos of the matches.

– Behind the scenes, we see AJ styles. AJ says he made his debut at the Royal Rumble and has done a lot since then winning the Royal Rumble, and that will come true tonight.

– Behind the scenes, we see Damien the Priest. Pastor says he faced the best in RAW as a United States champion. Now he will see new faces on the rumble. Be careful not to raise his dark side.

– The pre-show ends with the panel’s final comments.

WWE Royal Rumble Saint-Louis or Missouri

Commentators Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves RAW. And SmackDown to Michael Cole and Pat McCoff.

– Tonight’s WWE Royal Rumble, the show begins with the opening video. Commentators welcome us and Reynolds comes first. Shield music begins and Seth Rollins comes through the crowd in shield gear!

Universal Championship – Singles Tournament

Will be banned from Usos Ringside.

Roman Reigns (c) vs Seth Rollins

At the end of the fight, Rollins throws powerbombs into the corner and pursues his curb stamp to cover the rule, but he resists at the last minute. Rollins wants to make another stamp, but Raines blocks it with a clothesline. Reynolds chases after him with a powerbomb, but he resists. Reins then punches his Superman and hides it, but Rollins resists. Rollins comes out at the bottom of the ring and Reins leads him to the spear. Reigns brings him back into the ring and throws him into the spear, but Rollins stops him with a descent to cover him, but Reigns opposes both. Rollins enters the stumps, but Reynolds stops him and pushes him back to Spear. Rollins is on the ground and wants to give the shield identity, but Reynolds uses his guillotine for him. Rollins resists and manages to hit a rope, but Reynolds refuses to stop the submission. The referee suspends the match for disqualification.

Gagnand: Seth Rollins By disqualification

– After the fight, Reins follows his guillotine. Reynolds decided to release him when Rollins finally screamed. Reynolds went for a chair and hit Rollins again with the chair. He leaves the regime, but eventually returns to the ring and begins to hit him with the chair again.

30-Female Royal Rumble Tournament

The winner will compete in WrestleMania 38 for the women’s title.

Number one wrestler Sasha Banks and second Melina. Banks and Melina exchange a few blows and the banks throw her down the ring to get rid of her! Tamina is third and Kelly Kelly is fourth. Kelly attacks Tamina and then uses Sasha to submit from the apron, but Sasha removes her with a kick.


  • Queen Jelena is in 7th place to remove Sasha Banks.
  • Ivory came in 18th grade and nothing has changed here, she sees a lot of little girls. Ripley grabs it and throws it down the ring.
  • Alicia Fox arrived on the 21st.
  • Sarah Logan came in 25th and was knocked out by the Bella Twins.
  • Rhonda Ruci returns to 28th. Shina Basler came in 30th and joined Russia.

When the fight was over, Rousey, Belair, Ripley, Baszler and Flair were in the ring. Ripley and Ruci fight in armor, but Charlotte Big Boot Ripley takes her out. Then, Blair wants to kick Posler, but Charlotte pushes both of them out of the ring! Charlotte and Rousseau spin the ring, and Rousseau blocks a kick and throws it to the bottom of the ring and wins!

Winner: Rhonda Ruci

– After the fight, Russie puts down the corner and shows the WrestleMania logo under the pyros.

Raw Women’s Championship – Singles Tournament

Doudrop vs Becky Lynch (c)

At the end of the fight, Peggy does slamming his mane into the number three from the second rope to the dot drop.

Gagnante: Becky Lynch

– WWE announced 44,390 fans at the stadium tonight.

– We present a video about the match between Lesnar and Lashley.

WWE Championship – Singles Tournament

Bobby Lashley With MVP Vs Brock Lesnar Paul was with Hyman

At the end of the fight, Lesnar wants to do his F5, but Lashley pushes him away and shoots him. Lashley continues with the second spear. Lesnar leaves the ring and Lashley enters the spear, but Lesnar resists and Lashley breaks the block. Lesnar picks him up, but Lashley pushes him out of the post and brings him back into the ring. Lesnar blocks a spear and Lashley hits the corner. Lesnar continues with one German supply, another, another, another and another. Lashley can’t stand it yet, Lesnar takes him to F5, but Lashley drops him on the hard lock. Lesnar resisted and pushed him back into the corner, which crushed the referee. Lesnar gave him an F5 and the referee hit again! Lesnar hid it, but the referee fired Roman Reigns and spear Lesnar! Raines Heyman looks at the ring and asks for the title. Heyman gives him the title! Reins wins Lesnar with WWE title! Heyman leaves the ring with Reins, and Lashley counts Lesnar at three.

Winner: Bobby Lashley – New Champion

– It was announced that Rhonda Ruci will be in RAW this Monday to talk about her Royal Rumble victory.

Mixed tag team competition

Miss and Mary vs. Edge and Beth Phoenix

At the end of the fight, Phoenix Powerpomps chases Miss and Edge with an elbow drop from the corner to cover him, but Miss is confronted with two. Miz then turns the ref and Maryse Head Scissors Edge from the corner. Marys Phoenix and Miss continue with a DDT until his Skull Crushing finale to the edge, but he opposes the two. They want to finish the Edge twice, but Phoenix spears Marys. Miss Phoenix and Edge Double Spear. They were followed by Glam Slam Mary and Miss Three.

Winners: Edge and Beth Phoenix

– We present a video about the Elimination Chamber 2022, which will take place on Saturday, February 19, 2022.

30-Man Royal Rumble Match

The winner will fight for the men’s title at WrestleMania 38.

AJ Styles is in first place and Shinsuke Nakamura is in second place.


  • Jackie’s Johnny Knoxville came in 9th, but Sammy Jain was quickly ejected by his Heluva kick.
  • Omos enters 11th place and gets some eliminations and is eliminated by the wrestlers who form an alliance against him.
  • Drew McIntyre finished 21st and returned from injury.
  • Bad Bunny comes in at 27. He removes him to avoid a Brock kick from Shimes. He then helps roll the Ray 619 and removes Ziggler.
  • Shane McMahon came in 28th and managed to get Kevin Owens out.
  • Brock Lesnar comes in 30th, he’s not happy.

At the end of the fight, Lesnar takes Orton out with a clothesline, he throws the F5s bunny and the bottom of the ring. Lesnar grabs Riddle and throws him down the ring. He beats Shane and takes him out with a clothesline. Lesnar is alone with McIntyre! Lesnar attacks McIntyre and takes him to F5, but McIntyre pushes him away. Lesnar tricked a claymore and made him F5s out of the ring.

Cagnant: Brock Lesnar

The Royal Rumble ends with Lesnar’s celebration.

Photo credit: WWE

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