Wiretaped at the Bell Center: a beautiful cacophonous mess

During the first episode Glue the wire to the center of the bell, Friday evening, we honestly thought we were seeing a damn good idea. Loud noise and noisy discussion spoiled our enjoyment. Then came the guests of the second episode: Martin Matt, Stephen Rousseau, Marie-Line Jonkas. And we found out under asking That we loved so much.

• Read more: Podcast “Unheard of”: Towards a Guinness World Record for Mike Ward

Just before 8pm, we felt we were in for something special when Erich Breach, opening for Mike Ward on the tour, took to the stands to warm up the crowd. A few years ago the comedian who was the narrator of the Bortel Comedy Club was hailed as a top international star.

21,131 people attended this Friday evening shooting of Underground at the Bell Center.

Photo by Martin Alary

21,131 people attended this Friday evening shooting of Underground at the Bell Center.

About fifteen minutes later, when Mike Ward walked in, the decibel was on the carpet. Walking through the crowd, the comedian shook hands with a big smile on his face. Monster Ovation. We’ve rarely heard Bell Center so loud.

“Honestly, I thought I had a better reception than that. We are going to add Applause Editing,” laughed Ward.

That moment was truly magical. You had to pinch yourself that we were seeing such an event for a French-language podcast! Guinness World Records will also be recognized this evening under asking Like a podcast live Performed in front of the largest crowd in the world.

High resonance

Mike Ward introduced his co-host Jean-Thomas Jobin for the evening. Another round of applause. Everything was going on wheels. Later, Ward welcomed the first three guests in two episodes of the evening: Les Denis Drolet and Christine Morency.

The five comedians participating in the first episode of Under Listening at the Bell Center this Friday are: Mike Ward, Christine Morency, Jean-Thomas Jobin, Vincent Leonard and Sébastien Dubey.

Photo by Martin Alary

The five comedians participating in the first episode of Under Listening at the Bell Center this Friday are: Mike Ward, Christine Morency, Jean-Thomas Jobin, Vincent Leonard and Sébastien Dubey.

This is where our happiness suddenly waned. Sitting in a circle around a small table, the five guys were completely lost on stage, through the huge crowd. For a few minutes, they noted the situation, somewhat uncomfortably.

“Can you hear me echoing?” asked one. “You said the sound would be bad, you got it!” denied the other. The sound bounced around the enclosure, and we struggled to hear all the jokes.

Small table

The small nature of the round table meant that we often saw guests on giant screens from behind rather than from the front. Perhaps the result will be better on the Internet. But it was disappointing on the spot.

What did the guests talk about in this first episode of almost 90 minutes? Frankly, we lost the thread of their discussions as they went in all directions. But they spoke Wash-off creamDenise’s podcast and show Mask singers.

As the energy began to die down towards the end of the first episode, Mike Ward turned to the audience to ask some questions. “Mike, we know you love to sing. The Pope is coming to Quebec next week, would you like to sing for him? asked an onlooker to the delight of the public. “Best joke ever!” Jean Thomas said.

After a short musical interlude by Pépé and his guitar, Mike Ward welcomed the guests to the second episode of the evening just after 10 p.m. Where it really took off. On top form, Matt, Rousseau and Joncas gave us many classic funny moments.

Keith and Celine

Out of order, they joked about Philip Bond in a taxi, talked about Jean-Thomas’ love of phone books, the time Mike Ward confused Philippe Laprise with PA Method, the time Mike Martin called prostitutes with Matt and one of them was Keith Richards and Celine Dion’s first part at the Bell Center in 2000, Stephen. It looked like it was done. Oops!

Mike Ward can be credited for creating this event and getting so many people to join the podcast with a simple recording. He will never forget the massive dose of love he received from so many people. But we’re still waiting to find out under asking Near a brothel.

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