Will the Moon Soon Become Chinese Too? The Cosmic Power of the Middle Kingdom

Let’s just remember that the US Space Force already warned in December 2021 about this. China has a unique hypersonic weapons system, i.e. orbital missiles capable of remaining in space for a limited period of time.Chance Saltzman, a U.S. Space Force team member, explained that it was essentially a nuclear-capable vehicle that reached orbit, literally “parked” in space, and then was deorbited for a surprise attack at a convenient time for the operator.

Moreover, just in May, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson convinced US lawmakers that The United States and China are “in effect in a race” to return to the moon and have expressed concern that Beijing will seek to make territorial claims.The US agency also has concerns about the development of anti-space weapons, including missiles that can track satellites and spacecraft that can pull satellites out of orbit.

Other experts have a similar opinion, with General Stephen Whiting of the US Space Command saying that China’s progress is “a cause for concern,” with the number of spy satellites in orbit having tripled in the past six years.

Dr. Svetla Ben-Isaac, associate director of the Western Space Scientists Program at Johns Hopkins University, points out that It is hard not to wonder how China will seek to use its space capabilities to advance regional and national political and military interests.

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