Will a factory reset remove viruses from the phone?

Factory reset is an option available on many of the devices we use today, incl. in smart phones. It allows you to restore the operating system to its original state. However, is this enough to remove viruses from the phone?

Although Google is trying to ensure the safety of users, there are still apps that can infect our phone. Until a few years ago it was thought so Factory settings will fix any problem. However, modern viruses are much better at bypassing a hard reset.

One such Trojan is xHelper. It was released in 2019, and it infected Android devices, and it did a good job of factory resetting. Fortunately, a way has been found to remove it.

To do this, we must Temporarily disable Google Play. After this time, it is best to perform a factory reset. Why is that? Google Play is suspected to be a virus activator that puts the phone memory to sleep.

Factory reset should be done on your phone at specific times. This movement is often used when:

  • Occupy all memory with data and applications that you do not want to delete individually,
  • sudden slowdown in smartphone operation,
  • Record that the phone is infected.

Restore factory settingsAs the name suggests, it brings the system back into shape from the very beginning of its use. Thanks to this, most of the causes of our problems have also been removed.

However, you must remember that before doing this activity, Save relevant data as a backup.

In case the phone gets infected once, we have to be extra careful. However, there are times when Viruses reappear. This may be a sign that:

  • The virus is hidden in the files in the backup,
  • Malware is saved in the system memory,
  • We are using an infected version of the system, other than the one from the manufacturer.

Fortunately, these cases are very rare. However, if we encounter such a situation, We must inform the site.

If our phone has a virus in its memory at least once, we must be especially careful. Just How to avoid repetition device injury. In such a case, remember the following:


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