Where is the storm?  Superkomrki in Bieszczady, Hail in Jeremiah and Masuria

“Present Forecasting Indicates that it may occur storms With high rainfall in the north and south of the country. Storms are usually accompanied by wind gusts of up to 65 km/h and precipitation up to 15 mm, with the possibility of an accumulation of precipitation totals of about 20-25 mm. Stronger storms are possible in Bieszczady– IMGW announced in the morning on Twitter.

Where is the storm? IMGW issued meteorological warnings

Morning predictions came true. “Currently, the strongest storms occur in the Illawa and Garolin regions. There, the intensity of precipitation reaches 10-14 mm/10 minutes, and the hourly sum is 15-20 mm. cityWind gusts can reach 60-65 km/h. Scattered and unregulated rain/storms are observed in the northeastern part of Poland and move to the east and southeast. Usually, the precipitation is moderate and short-lived, and the wind is only gusty (40-50 km/h)” – as reported in a Burza-Alert-IMGW file after 2pm on social media.

As reported, there were superstorms in the Bieszczady mountains, accompanied by hail and rain of up to 35 mm / h. “At the moment, the phenomena have weakened and stronger storms have developed over Slovakia. In the coming hours, storms of the same intensity will occur, still mainly in the east and north” – we read.

heat (illustration)The heat will return this weekend. Thermometers will show up to 30 degrees

According to the latest Poland weather update, diffuse and unregulated convection still occurs in the north and east of the country. “Some rain cells/storms are accompanied by rain up to 5-7 mm/10 minutes, but no longer exceeding 15 mm per hour, and wind gusts can only reach 60 km/h in some places, and the phenomena begin to weaken. By evening There will be more and more storms, “- reported Synoptics.

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Spent on Wednesday Class 1 meteorological warnings for hailstorms. It is valid all the time Pomeranian Province and partly in Podkarpackie Voivodeship (poviats: Jasielski, Krośnieński, Sanocki, Leski, Bieszczady).

In these areas, precipitation is expected from 15 to 25 mm, and in some places hail, as well as wind gusts of up to 75 kilometers for an hour. On Wednesday, storms are also likely in the eastern half of the country – precipitation should not exceed 15 mm, winds 65 kilometers per hour.

Today's weather - Wednesday, August 11.  Hail storms in the northToday’s weather – Wednesday, August 11. Up to 24 degrees, local hailstorms

Climate change is exacerbated by heavy rainfall and drought

Extreme weather events – torrential rain on the one hand and heat waves on the other – are among scientists’ predictions about the effects of climate change. While the annual total of precipitation may not change, their distribution will be different: the number of precipitation is short-lived and intense, which leads to increased flooding, and droughts are possible with longer periods in between. In addition, rapid precipitation does not withstand drought well, because water flows quickly into the streams.

In the document Adaptation to Climate Change prepared by the Warsaw City Hall, we read that in the years 1981-2013 “the number of days with heavy rainfall increased and higher and higher values ​​of the precipitation unit were recorded”. An example is the rainfall in the capital in June 2020, when within a few hours an amount of rain equal to the average monthly rainfall fell. In addition, lack of water retention and urban concrete add to the effects of these heavy rains and contribute to flooding of streets and buildings. Another example is the province of Lodz, which is threatened by severe desertification and at the same time by flooding in the valleys of the largest rivers in the region.

You can read more about the effects of the climate crisis and the solutions we have to combat it on the website Zielona.Gazeta.pl.

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