What does “quiet take off” mean?  Generation Z and Millennials ‘quietly left their jobs’

The US media has been fanning the topic of “quiet take off” for several weeks, although the echoes of this debate have not yet reached Poland. As people exploring this issue admit, the term itself can be a bit misleading as it implies that employees are quitting their jobs, which it isn’t. People who “go quietly” are really giving up the cult of work for their parents’ generation.

The power of social media

The Washington Post notes that the deadline gained traction in July, when one TikTokers argued in the taped material that he was tired of being convinced others had encouraged him that “in business you have to push your limits.” The video currently has over 3 million views and there has been a lot of discussion about the Zeets and their way of working.

The Wall Street Journal wrote that employees were often frustrated with the race for the corporate ladder, which often operated on the principle of “over the dead to the goal.” Before achieving this goal, it was necessary for years to struggle with unsympathetic superiors, often insult their subordinates and use attacking.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: “10 employers like you are waiting in my email inbox.” Surprise young men in recruitment

The difference between the older generation and the present is that young people today have social media. In the past, When an employee was experiencing unfriendly working conditions, he was convinced that only he had such problemsBecause everyone around them seems happy. Few people have opened up about themselves and shared their bitter thoughts with their colleagues.

However, the current generation can do so at any time, almost without revealing their identity: All they have to do is write a post with their thoughts and add the appropriate hashtag. The amount of support and the affirmation that others have the same problems connects the frustrated to a larger group and pushes them to seek changes in the present Equation The relationship between employer and employee.

The Wall Street Journal notes that a decline in employee engagement is a common trend in the United States, but is more pronounced among Generation Z and younger Millennials (born after 1989). In a Gallup survey in the first quarter of 2022, this group showed the lowest commitment to professional duties among all respondents—it was at a level of 31 percent.

Even when they work, they won’t do more than they have to.

Now it is necessary to add to this their belief that Even when they work, they won’t do more than they have to do. Moreover, they want to be seen by their environment not in terms of where they work and in what position, but in terms of what people they are, and what their interests, interests or hobbies are.

In such a company they would like to work “quietly leaving”

So how do we build a friendly workplace for “quiet people”? Employers will need to consider, for example, offering longer breaks during the day. Managers should also encourage the use of vacation themselves and provide vacation days with full pay if necessary.

What they won’t be able to do is, for example, answer emails and answer calls after business hours. Young people expect them to exemplify the balanced balance between private and professional lifeBecause if the supervisors do not show it, the employees will feel that the same approach is required of them.

Asked by The Washington Post how to build a friendly workplace for “Zets” and “quit quit,” Michelle Hay, Sedgwick’s global chief human resources officer, confirmed that An important aspect is creating such conditions in which young people can seek help at any time without exposing themselves to ostracism. by colleagues.

HR teams will play a key role in this. The expert explains that they will have to check employee well-being more often, bypassing strict performance check models. Zetka will be more willing to talk to them about their feelings for the business and the employer, and in their own words, specialists should look for the actual image of the workplace that they have in their imagination.

Managers face the ‘quietly leave’ challenge

Joe Grasso, senior director of employee transformation at Lyra Health, told The Washington Post that older generations rooted in a work cult may not understand this approach, and even think it is offensive towards employers. The expert says that the very withdrawal from the rat race bears the hallmarks of “a classic decline in motivation and low commitment”.

A “quietly leaving” employee is likely to limit his interaction with the environment at work to a minimum. And when, for example, the boss comes up with an idea and asks the team to jointly work on a concept based on that idea, “Leave Quietly” often opts for silence.

The result may be complaints from colleagues about the employee “quietly leaving” – believes Joe Grasso. – It’s all because of the fact that These colleagues may feel frustrated with the need to catch up Or they have the impression that they are marginalized – adds the expert in an interview with the “Washington Post”.

The interviewer in the newspaper sees this in front of the chiefs A very difficult task will arise: to reconcile two groups in one workplace who have a completely opposite approach to the duties performed. They will have to show a great deal of empathy and sensitivity. Their approach to older workers and “employees” should differ, and at the same time they will not be able to exaggerate the facilities in either direction, so as not to feel that one of the groups is favourable.

In addition, a “quiet walk” can tempt older workers over time. When it becomes clear that they are comparing their professional experience with the younger ones, thoughts may appear in their minds about the period lost in devoting themselves entirely to professional duties and the need for greater self-actualization.

Another problem for employers after the “Great Resignation”.

Kathy Kutcher, founder of Career/Life Alliance Services, points out in an interview with The Washington Post that generational change and the thinking associated with professional responsibilities come at a difficult time for employers. They just had Dealing with a ‘big resignation’Connected with Burnt.

After the pandemic, people began to reassess their needs and ideals. It often turns out that the workplace, which until now may have seemed like a dream job, no longer reflects the new values ​​of employees. For them, it meant a desire to change and find themselves anew, for employers – a mass exodus of employees.

In the United States – a country of about 329 million people – in 2021, an average of 4 million people a month threw papers. It was done even by those who worked for decades in one enterprise. Not only that: Not everyone who left work last year has decided to return to the strict framework. A large group decided to fulfill themselves in a way different from the daily work of at least 8 hours.

Kathy Kutcher also confirms it We stand on the eve of a major clash between company managers and their subordinates to return to their offices. After the pandemic, no employee can imagine returning to the “old” world, where I used to visit the company every day.

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