We know how much PPK transfers. They reached 2 million savers.

The number of people receiving annual benefits under PPK shows how many people are regularly and actively saving in PPK. The average age of PPK participants is currently 40 years old, and most people saving in PPK are between 30 and 54 years old (more than 71%).

In total, more than PLN 1.55 billion has been transferred to PPK participants’ accounts since 2019 as annual subsidies.

The rest of the article is below the video.

See also: “Poles buy luxury cars a lot” – this is not the case in any country in Europe – Kamil Makula

PPK includes two types of financing from public funds – Welcome payment of PLN 250 and annual fee of PLN 240.

Welcome Deposit It is offered once and is received by each PPK participant after three months of saving in PPK.

Additional annual fees It is due for each year of active savings in PPK (payment of a fixed amount to the PPK account in a calendar year).

Its amount is determined in the provisions of the PPK Law and has not changed since the beginning of the PPK process (in 2019). Annual benefits are paid in the first half of the following calendar year for which they are due.

The annual support for 2023 will be disbursed in the first half of 2024, while the annual support for 2024 will be disbursed in the first half of 2025. The graph shows how the number of people receiving annual benefits under the PPK is increasing every year.

Annual support in PPK – maximum in 2024

Participants who accumulate the appropriate amount of money in their accounts during the calendar year are entitled to an annual benefit in PPK. In 2024, contributions of at least PLN 890.82 must be accumulated in a PPK account or accounts. The maximum amount is equivalent to basic payments (3.5%) six times the minimum wage (PLN 4,242 × 6 × 3.5% = PLN 890.82).

If in 2024 a PPK participant They will benefit from a reduction in their basic payments, and payments of at least PLN 222.71, i.e. 25%, will be sufficient. The above amount. The minimum is for people who earn up to 120% of the minimum wage from all sources per month.

There are already more than PLN 27 billion in assets in PPK.

According to PFR data, the value of PPK assets in June exceeded PLN 27 billion. 3.5 million people save in PPK, with a total of more than 4.1 million active accounts. The average age of PPK participants is 40. More than 71 percent of PPK participants are between 30 and 54 years old.

At the end of May 2024, more than 3.30 million (94.16%) of PPK savers were Poles, while among people of other nationalities, Ukrainian nationality dominates (126.19 thousand).

Nationality of PPK participants other than Polish

Oskar Sobolowsky, Pensions and Labor Market Expert at HRK Payroll Consulting

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