We have discovered an Earth-like planet. It must be destroyed.

In an article published in the AAS Journals, a group of more than 50 scientists discussed this topic. TOI-6255 BEarth-sized exoplanetswhich takes only one complete orbit. 5 hours and 42 minutesWhich is called in astronomy “very short period(Z. very short term). This is a type of planet that has an orbital period of shorter than one earth dayThey usually occur in stars with masses less than 0.88 solar masses, otherwise they are thought to evaporate rapidly.

USP planets are exposed to what is called Tidal forceswhich ultimately leads to Planet torn apart by its parent starBy studying the planet TOI-6255 b, it will be possible to understand the processes behind this phenomenon.

Dr. Fei Dai, lead scientist for the publication, told Universe Today that TOI-6255 b is The most famous example currently of a planet that will be destroyed by its star in the future.It is estimated that about 10 percent of Sun-like stars are expected to tear apart and absorb some of their rocky planets during their lifetimes.

TOI-6255 B It is a planet with a diameter of 8 percent. It is larger than Earth and has a mass equal to 1.44 times that of Earth. The exoplanet is somewhat far away from us. More than 65 light years awayHowever, unlike our planet, TOI-6255 b does not support life as we know it. This is due to its extremely hot atmosphere. But what is most interesting is its very short orbital period, which puts the planet very close to what is called The limit is the way. This is the distance from the larger body that causes the smaller body to exert gravity. unable to keep it togetherWhich causes it to break into smaller parts.

TOI-6255 b is about to be torn apart by its star w Over 400 million years, Which on a cosmic scale is not a particularly long time. The planet is also there. severely distorted Specifically because of the influence of tidal forces. Its shape It’s like football now.It is a deformation millions of times greater than the deformation of the Earth.

Our planetary system also had a Roche limit event. This is due to the disruption of natural satellites due to tidal forces. Saturn got its ringsDr. Day estimates that tidal disturbances may be possible. The future fate of many rocky planetsHowever, these forces exist in the solar system. minimumBecause only objects with very short orbital periods are strongly affected by it, MercuryThe planet that orbits the sun at the fastest speed takes 88 days to do so.

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