vote.  Most Poles will not take temperature despite suspected COVID-19

Thermometers for measuring body temperature are popular in Poland. 69 percent of respondents declared that they had such a thermometer at home, 18 percent. Do not know or do not remember whether it was in their home, 13 percent. He does not have such a device.

Most of the people who reported having a thermometer in the house come from cities of over 500,000. Residents of the Masovian Provinces and Greater Poland.

On the other hand, those who do not have a thermometer mainly live in cities with a population of 20 thousand. Up to 99 thousand residents and most often come from the Podkarpackie and Podlasie regions.

Among respondents who stated having a thermometer in the home, 70 percent. of women. However, in the over 18 per cent group. I’m not sure this fact is just the opposite and the majority of men.

When suspected of infection with the Corona virus 57%. Poles don’t plan to take their body temperature, 42 percent is of the opposite opinion, and 2 percent. The question cannot be answered unequivocally. Supporters of thermometry in such a situation are mainly people from cities with a population of more than 500,000. Residents with secondary and higher education and earning between 5,000 zlotys. and 6.9 thousand. PLN Network. The largest number of such people was recorded in the Mazowieckie, Wielkopolskie and Pomorskie regions.

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Respondents who do not intend to measure body temperature are people from villages and small towns up to 19,000. Of the population, most of them have a professional education and earn up to 2.9 thousand. PLN Network. Data analysis shows that this group of respondents most often come from Podkarpackie, Lubelskie and Podlaskie regions.

– You can see that the Poles are deeply divided on this issue. A high percentage of people who are reluctant to take a temperature may indicate that they are either uninformed or ignoring the need for control. This lack of caution stems from fatigue from the chaos of information, said Piotr Piątek, co-author of the study, and Warmie expert, commenting on the report.

One cannot ignore the fact that even in the widely understood public space The temperature is measured lower and lowerYet it also had an educational impact on society. It was clearly visible at the beginning of the epidemic and increased discipline in general – added Piotr Piątek.

52 percent is used by people using conventional mercury thermometers due to its lower price compared to electronic specifications. 34 percent of respondents believe that a mercury thermometer gives a more accurate result.

Liquid thermometers should have been out of circulation for a long time. But the Poles are used to them. It seems easier to use them, because electronic equipment can show a slightly different result each time. However, the fact that the electronic thermometer gives instant information is omitted, which helps the patient a lot. An important difference is also the continuous measurement, which can be correlated with other vital parameters, such as pulse or oxygen saturation. This shows a broader picture of the state of health – concluded Piątek.

The study was conducted from December 6 to 15, 2021 using the CAWI method as part of the national report “COVID-19. What Poles know about measuring body temperature” by the UCE University Analysis and Research Platform, commissioned by Warmi, on a representative sample of 1,006 Polish adults They are between 18 and 80 years old.

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