Two tracks are available on the A1.  The bottleneck is disappearing

From Tuesday, the whole way from Tuszyna to Częstochowa North Junction Drivers will have two lanes at their disposal in each direction. Thus, the bottleneck that choked the road capacity disappears, informing GDDKiA.

Not only that, over 24 kilometers Ben Piotrkov Trybunalsky And Kamieńsk, the intersection will be operated at full capacity, which will further reduce traffic.

See also: Delays on construction sites. Inflation hits contractors. Will there be a wave of bankruptcies?

with two throats

Three lanes at 140 km/h

Next week, road builders plan to provide access to 6 km of a new road on the part of the border of Śląskie and ódzkie counties to Czestochowa. Therefore, drivers heading towards Katowice will be at their disposal Three lanes.


Builders are also completing works from Radomsko to the county border. Slaskie and Lodzki regions. In a few weeks, this 7-kilometer route will become a fully developed highway, where it will be possible to travel on three lanes in each direction at a speed of up to 140 km/h.

extra episodes

As announced by GDDKiA, drivers are expecting two serious changes on sections of the A1 motorway in لودód province this year: Tuszyn – Piotrków Trybunalski Południe and Kamieńsk – Radomsko.


Each of the drivers will have two roads with three lanes at their disposal. This does not mean that road workers are leaving the construction site, but as GDDKiA emphasizes, the remaining work to be done should not restrict traffic.

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