turkey.  First earthquake, now flood.  At least 14 victims are missing

14 people were killed and several others are missing due to the floods that swept the streets of two cities in southeastern Turkey.

It is located in an area devastated by the earthquakes that occurred last month.

See: Turkey. 5.6 magnitude earthquake. One person was killed and 69 were injured

The BBC reported that among the victims were earthquake survivors who had been living in container homes since the disaster.

And in the city of Sanliurfa, 12 people died when torrential waters flooded streets in neighbourhoods. Turkish television showed footage showing the powerful parked cars that were parked.

Video: Turkey struck another disaster. Flash floods flood the streets

Police divers in the tunnel

In the city of Sanlirova, an underground passage six meters deep under the city center roundabout was flooded. Surprised passers-by saved themselves by swimming to the shore. However, some have failed. The media shows dramatic images of people being dragged around by people gathered around the city’s three-storey Abid intersection.

See: Turkey. Polsat News reporter: Residents have blocked the passage of Polish firefighters, and they are begging for help

People there were also surprised by the cars they had to flee from. Police divers were sent to search the flooded passage and tunnel.

Heavy rains hit the city area early Wednesday morning. It all happened in about half an hour. The rising water rushed into the streets and flooded the low places.

a third of the annual precipitation

The search and rescue service said it reported that 136 mm of rain fell in Adiyaman Province in 24 hours and 111 mm in Sanlirova. This is the amount of rain that corresponds to one-third of the annual precipitation rate.

Sanliurfa Governor Salih Ayhan said his province had never seen such floods before.

See: Turkey. 6.3 magnitude earthquake. I felt tremors in Syria, Egypt and Lebanon

The authorities reported finding the bodies of five Syrians in a basement.

It was flooded hospital from which 200 patients were evacuated. It was reported that two missing firefighters.

It is still raining in the area and it is expected that the rain will stop by the end of the week.

The wave swept away the container with the earthquake victims

In the city of Adiyaman, a container carrying two families was washed away by the stream. The temporary home has been flooded. A woman died.

Another person died in the same city and many are missing.

See: Turkey: Other Miraculous Finds. The boy spent about 11 days under the rubble

Because of the floods, tents were evacuated, in which earthquake victims who were left without a roof over their heads had previously been resettled.

The floods came five weeks after the earthquake that hit the country on the sixth of February, killing about 48 thousand people. People and many others were left homeless.

hlk / grz / Polsatnews.pl / Reuters

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