This is the best Star Wars.  New movies may not top it

Thanks to the series, Star Wars has returned to the tongues of many fans and viewers, but some are still waiting for the cinematic films. Will any of them outperform these better versions? Including my favorite title?

After reading the initial version of the story of Episode IX of the Star Wars saga, it is difficult not to return to it. Maybe it won’t please everyone, because that seems impossible with every idea, but It definitely looked better, from the ideas of JJ Abrams. Moreover, the fans have prepared Comic book version This script because it was very good … And after the extraordinary, to put it mildly, Episode VIII, such a film can be considered a good culmination of the entire saga that has been going on for several decades. Closing several topics, positive surprises, and using patterns that work well would have made this possible Disney trilogy We will not deal with such negative attitude.

Will the new Star Wars trilogy be reviewed?

Meanwhile, the subsequent parts after “The Force Awakens” seem to have lost their relevance, although the creators had everything necessary to create a truly interesting story in this rich, diverse and attractive world. According to some, including Matthew Vaughn, Star Wars should be rebooted. In his opinion, Star Wars is a story about the Skywalker family and nothing else, which of course was met with mixed reactions. While everyone is probably curious about what later happened to characters from the latest trilogy (in the movie about Rey we even get to learn about these fates), ignoring the potential of this entire universe seems downright silly.

Just look at how the creators of “Rogue One” handled the task of making a movie without the Jedi. In my opinion, this is the best film out of all the films made after the original trilogy. Characters, script, special effects, music, cast – all this seems perfectly matched and balanced, yet the film has gone through many revisions and a lot of scenes and threads have been removed. A few promising scenes were removed (Jyn and Casian storming the beach on the planet Scarif), but “Rogue One” was nonetheless cohesive, engaging, and universal enough to provide plenty of emotion upon learning of its ending. Moreover, I return to it regularly because it is a wonderful work of cinema. However, there were not a large number of powers, lightsabers and other Jedi-related items, which are largely attractions within the production from the Star Wars universe.

Han Solo was unlucky

I don’t think it was wrong to use prominent characters in other films. “Han Solo” came at a time when we were all tired of Star Wars, subsequent premieres were no longer a major event, and this fatigue with the material affected the even more critical reviews of this production. Just look at what happened to the previous trilogy, which was hated for years and which is now so much better. This is constantly reminded by the actor who plays Anakin – Hayden Christensen – whose participation in the latest projects is not only welcome, but also long-awaited. That’s why we saw him in “Obi-Wan Kenobi” and “Ahsoka.” However, the series needs some stepping up, because Boba Fett showed that creating a series with one style is not the right way, and Obi-Wan lacked that. this thing. The somewhat dark and sentimental story turned into an incredibly childish scene at times, which was also very long. This idea with a heavy atmosphere and a two-hour movie in the context of a narrative of Obi-Wan’s reunion with Lord Vader would probably work better.

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This isn't the end of Star Wars in cinemas.  Disney is planning a lot of new things

New Star Wars movies and series?

What may also be sad is the lack of consistency and some disarray in Lucasfilm and Disney’s activities. Announced projects do not come to fruition, are postponed or the people responsible for them change frequently. The policy of announcing projects as soon as the idea comes up in the company and not having any action behind it has made many fans bloody. The long-awaited “Lando” movie with Donald Glover appears to be in the making, but there are no details. “Rangers of the New Republic” would not have been made, and would have been an excellent side story about X-Wing pilots, who (not only in my opinion) receive far too little attention and screen time in most productions. “Rogue One” showed that espionage and war cinema in the Star Wars universe can work, so such an initiative should get proper treatment sooner or later, and other (as yet unused) genres should get a chance as soon as possible. Maybe then something new will live up to Rogue One.

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