The world is drowning in the fourth wave of the pandemic.  A jump in the number of injuries in other countries [ZDJÊCIA]

W Czech Wednesday saw the highest daily increase in SARS-CoV-2 infections since the start of the pandemic. The health ministry said laboratories confirmed 22,479 new cases on Tuesday. There are 4,425 patients in hospitals.

The number of patients in the Czech Republic is increasing

An exceptionally large increase has been recorded so far in 17,778 infections at the beginning of January this year. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic in the Czech Republic, SARS-CoV-2 has been found in 1,930,214 people. 31,709 people died. And there were 27 people dead on Tuesday.

Experts note that this number may change throughout the day as more data comes in.

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Does the government want to wait for the fourth wave of COVID-19? Belka: Of course

There are 4,425 patients in hospitals, the most since mid-April this year. 661 people are in intensive care units and have to use respirators. Due to the increasing number of cases, hospitals are limiting the planned procedures and organizing additional patient wards COVID-19.

The epidemiological situation has been deteriorating since the beginning of September Topics The government met Monday evening, but members of the outgoing government, Andrej Babisz, did not make decisions to tighten the restrictions in place. The government is expected to meet on Thursday. One can expect a departure from the antigen tests, which so far confirm the absence of infection Corona Virus, employment purpose PCR tests are expensive. On Monday, Babis did not rule out far-reaching restrictions on people who are not immunized.

Corona Virus.  COVID-19.  Hospital (illustration)The worst data since the outbreak of the fourth wave. Doctor: The government has to make a decision

Russia: the most deaths since the emergence of the epidemic

W Russia Government employees said Wednesday that 1,247 people have died of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, the largest number since the start of the current pandemic. More than 50 deaths per day were recorded in Krasnodar Krai, Moscow, Saint Petersburg and the Moscow region.

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36,626 new infections were detected in the past 24 hours. The infection rate has fallen to less than 40,000 per day in recent days.

ogó³em 259,084 patients have died of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to government employee data. Much higher data is provided by the statistics office Rosstat, which estimates this by August of this year. He died in Russia 417.5 M. Covid-19 patients. Rosstat not only takes into account casesWhere coronavirus was the main cause of death, but also cases where the direct cause of death was different but the patient had COVID-19.

Higher data indicate an increase in the mortality rate, that is, a comparison of the current number of deaths with the corresponding period in the years preceding the pandemic. Many experts believe that the increase in deaths reflects the actual losses from COVID-19. In Russia, death rates increased from the beginning of the epidemic until the end of September this year. exceeded 723 thousand.

Pfizer will participate in prescriptions for COVID-19Corona Virus. Pfizer will participate in prescriptions for COVID-19

In Peru, 200,000 people have already died from COVID-19

Peru has the highest per capita mortality rate from SARS-CoV-2 infection in the world. So far, more than 200,000 people have died during the pandemic. Citizens of a country with a population of less than 33 million.

Scientists have estimated that Peru also has the highest rate of orphans due to COVID-19 deaths.

In January 2020, the Peruvian Ministry of Health said 78 percent. Medical centers show insufficient capacity to provide health services. In early 2021, that number rose to 97%.

Among the problems that Peru faced with the epidemic was the lack of medical oxygen. As it turned out, oxygen was produced at a concentration higher than recommended by international standards, which accelerated its consumption.

The fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic is hitting with increasing force.Krakow, Radom, Bock. Difficult situation in hospitals. They have their party

On March 15, 2020, with 28 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2, the Peruvian authorities declared a state of emergency. Borders, schools, churches and universities were closed, freedom of movement within the country restricted, and public gatherings banned. Peru has not been able to implement a complete lockdown, which means that most citizens are not working remotely. The authorities were also unable to guarantee food supplies, so markets were often turned into the epicenter of the virus.

There have been difficulties in implementing the new recommendations in health centres. Many hospitals in Peru are private, so the poorest citizens find it difficult to get medical care. Indigenous peoples were particularly affected by this situation.

Since mid-2021, the number of Peruvians who have been vaccinated has increased and the number of deaths from COVID-19 has fallen to a low level.


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