The scandalous scenes after the match were all about Ronaldo.  Security intervention

Portugal is undoubtedly one of the main favorites during the ongoing European Championships. On Tuesday, at Leipzig, Cristiano Ronaldo and company showed great quality, but also ineffectiveness. Despite their great superiority, they were unable to score any goals before the break.

Moreover, after changing sides, the Czechs pulled off an upset and took the lead in the 62nd minute. However, the Portuguese were patient and took all three points. First, they were happy with the equalizer when Ruben Hranac sent the ball into their own net, and in extra time, Francisco Conceicao, who took off his shirt in delight, decided the victory for Roberto Martinez’s team.

Euro 2024: Portugal – Czech Republic. Post-match incident at Leipzig Stadium

However, it must be admitted that the Czechs caused a lot of problems for their favorite rivals. So, after the match, with their heads held high, they went to the sector occupied by their fans to thank them for their support. At that time, the Portuguese celebrated the victory among themselves.

One fan decided to “join them” and ran from the stands onto the pitch, most likely targeting Cristiano Ronaldo. However, security stopped him. As he fought as hard as he could to break free from the stewards’ arms, he was pressed as hard as he could into the grass and then led away.

g Lipska – Tomasz Prosek

Lukas Jekiewicz and Tomas Brojek report on the Euro 06/18/2024/INTERIA.TV/INTERIA.TV

Cristiano Ronaldo in the colors of the Portuguese national team/Agence France-Presse/Patricia de Mello Moreira//France Press agency

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