The Red Road: The Designer’s Choice in July

What will the red road look like in Gdynia? The answer will be provided by the preliminary documents for the new road construction project. His bid will be settled in mid-July. The document is scheduled to be ready in 2024, but the Red Road itself will not be completed until 2029.

Let us remind you: It was announced in April that PLN 20 million has been allocated to the local branch of GDDKiA from the pool of funds to build STH to the development of a technical, economic and environmental study and investment preparation. It was supposed to close the debate on whether the Red Road would be lifted and whether the government was interested in it.

After the approval of the Minister of Infrastructure on the investment program and the signing of an agreement to finance the construction of the Red Road project at the Central Communications Port, the General Investment Authority decided Management The National Company for Roads and Highways has announced a tender to select a contractor for preparatory works.

Red road: the length of the sections

Bids will be submitted by mid-July. The entire order will last for a year and a half, which means that the document will not be ready before 2024.

The designer selected in the procedure will have to prepare preliminary documents for the construction of a new national road divided into three sections, with a total length of about 9 km

  1. Gdynia Keelonia Junction – Kwiatkowskiego II Junction,
  2. Kwiatkowski Junction 2 – Victims of Junction December 70,
  3. Victims Junction December 70 – Ferry Port Junction.

The selected contractor will have to prepare a program concept for the first episode, and a connection study for the other two.

In addition, he will be required to conduct geological surveys for the future course in Section 1.

National authorities: everything on the red road is going according to plan

The search for the contractor has been announced free marcinDeputy Minister of Finance, Regional Policy and voivode Dariush Drillich.

Investment is absolutely necessary. Thank you port In Gdynia, CPK and GDDKiA work together and the process is progressing at a rapid pace. On the part of public investors, we do everything according to schedule – says Marcin Horała.
According to the assumptions, it is likely that the construction of the Red Road will take place in 2029.

– Calendar started until the end of the investment. There is a tender for documentation. You can also plan schedules for other investments – Marcin Horała adds.

The red road as an accelerated road

The documentation will answer the question of which way to go. Whether it is in the form of a tunnel or an overpass. These preparatory work is not very spectacular, but it is important – he says Peter Michalsky From the local branch of GDDKiA.

red road It will be built according to the required standards of the TEN-T road network. It is planned as a GP class road (a major road for accelerated traffic). It will be connected to the rest of the network through five road junctions. There will also be pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure in the form of pedestrian bridges and tunnels.

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