The Polish Post will deliver the coal.  The company won the tender for cooperation with the Polish Grnicz Group

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Corporate cooperation began on September 1, 2021. According to the terms of the contract, Polish Post Will handle the logistics of packaged environmental fuel carbon – Eco peas: ‘Karlik’, ‘Pieklorz’, ‘Retopal’ – We read the press release. Loading takes place at two locations: at KWK ROW Ruch Chwałowice – eco-friendly pea charcoal “Pieklorz” and at the Ekopaliwa Production Plant in Wola – eco-pea “Karlik” and “Retopal”.

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Poczta Polska Logistics Development

“The development of logistics services is a strategic goal Polish Post. as the largest company logistics In the country, we have enough capabilities to offer customers domestic and international transportation. The postal pallet shipment is used, among other things, by international concerns, Polish companies owned by the state treasury and family businesses “- said Andrzej Bodziony, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Poczta Polska SA

The company announced that it is gradually expanding its portfolio of commercial customers using the platform delivery service. Thanks to it, private and public entities provide deliveries in Poland and Europe, to central warehouses, retail and retail chains, and distribute goods to customers with a dispersed infrastructure.

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Poczta Polska wants to open more large area halls

To develop the capabilities of this service, Poczta Polska began to separate separate warehouses from 2020. Logistics of pallet shipments are carried out in 16 halls spread across the country. Due to the continuous growth of interest in the service, Poczta Polska plans to open 3 more large-sized halls – we read in the company’s press release.

Pallet consignment service has been a service developed by Poczta Polska for more than 10 years. Overseas relocation capabilities have been expanded for more than two years. Thanks to this, the company’s customers can send pallets to many countries throughout Europe.

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