The Poles continue to forget that.  Thieves have a use

1 out of 4 poles make this mistake.  Thieves are just waiting

A quarter of Poles do not use passwords on their smartphones and computers, and a large number of us ignore the risks associated with using mobile devices. BIK published the results of the study on the Poles’ approach to security.

Research conducted by the credit bureau shows that The majority of Poles (56 percent). Already aware of the fact that Smartphone exposed to a similar degree For hacking and data theft, such as computer. Unfortunately, 8 per cent. Of those surveyed still believe that phones not sensitive to break into.

The study authors point out that this is exactly what it is Mainly in smartphonesconstantly connected to the internet, We store a large amount of personal information and private data, the acquisition of which may be associated, for example, with extortion of a loan or the seizure of our own funds.

Almost half of Poles have passwords that protect all their electronic devices, i.e. computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. Still though 25 percent of people Indicates Does not use passwords on PCs and smartphonesWhat’s more, up to 13 percent. The Poles say frankly that they do not use passwords to secure access to their devices anywhere.

To use biometricsthat is, recognizing a face or a fingerprint to secure your electronic devices, tOnly 37 percent. of respondents, often young people 18 – 34 years old.

The obtained personal data, payment card numbers or information from electronic documents can be used, for example to extort a loan or credit card, to make purchases in installments, to sign contracts, for example for a telephone subscription or to withdraw money from a bank account. Therefore, remember to protect your electronic devices with passwords, as well as to properly structure and store your passwords

– explains Andrzej Karpiński, Head of Security for BIK.

Hey tycoon, how long is your password?

Most Poles He also has the wrong ideaThat the complexity of the password, not its length, makes it more difficult for criminals to crack. This opinion is expressed by as many as 71 percent. Persons. Just 9 percent points correctlythat is, a password length of more than 12 characters has the greatest impact on its security.

The latest CERT Polska recommendations are from January of this year. Say to set passwords longer than 12 characters on our devices. Long passwords are simply more secure and can realistically protect our electronic devices. For example, an 8-character password with a single capital letter can be decrypted in 22 minutes, while a 12-character password with a single capital letter can be decrypted in 300 years.

– Refers to the BIK security chief.

Security experts confirm that a long password is the primary tool for securing our data. However, they repeat the recommendation for use combinations of special characters or including numbers, Even a long password is simply not clear.

research: Google will benefit smartphone owners with a precious novelty
research: Polish companies: the password on a piece of paper, one for all, security is a waste of time

Image source: Shutterstock (@DarSzach)

Text source: BIK, ed. king

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