The meteor hit with a bang, and panic broke out.  “The windows were shaking.”

meteor It circled the size of a basketball over the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera, and southern Tenerife before crashing into the sea off the northern coast of Gran Canaria on Wednesday night. The Prime Minister of the region stated that there were no human or material losses Canary Islands Angel Victor Torres.

The passage of the orb was accompanied by a strong boom, which caused panic among the residents of the island’s capital – Las Palmas and the municipality of Santa Brigida. Many residents thought there was a landslide or fire.

See also

The meteor hit the sea. Panic among people

Residents contacted the Crisis Coordination Center “earthquakes” A green-red light crosses the sky. They wrote on Twitter: “The windows, the floor and the walls were shaking, and there was a sound like a distant explosion.”

Scientists report that it was probably the so-called. bolid – a meteor brighter than Venus. “It’s a rare event, which happens once every 5 to 10 years,” says astronomer Miguel Serra Ricart at the Teide Observatory in Tenerife.

This phenomenon arises when an object much larger than an ordinary meteorite passes through the atmosphere, and its surface temperature reaches several thousand degrees. The fireball begins to glow brightly, and the flight is often accompanied by sound games. The meteorite might have crashed above the ground, but its small pieces survived and fell into the sea. from Zaragoza Grażyna Opinska (PAP)

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