Discussions about the efficiency of coal mining in Poland have been ongoing for years. There are periods when this business is profitable, but it can also be unprofitable. As the latest calculations by the Katowice branch of the Industrial Development Agency show, the first half of this year is providing more and more arguments for the proponents of energy transition.
The Polish hard coal mining industry recorded a significant drop in net financial results in the first half of 2024, reaching Losses of PLN 2.496 million.
ARP protocol
This represents a significant decline compared to the same period of the previous year, when the industry made profits of over PLN 4 billion.
It is worth noting that Over time, the financial result of hard coal mining deteriorates. In a similar report by ARP summarizing the first quarter of this year, the loss was four times smaller. It amounted to PLN 642 million.
When writing about industry, we mean aggregate results. Key players in the mining marketincluding: Polska Grupa Górnicza, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, LW Bogdanka, Południowy Koncern Węglowy, Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń, Węglokoks Kraj, PG Silesia and Eko-Plus.
See also: Major Mine Repair with No Budget Money
The numbers are especially amazing for her. Coal SalesThe result in this regard is a loss of PLN 3 billion 56 million, while there was a profit of more than PLN 5 billion in the previous year.
Total sector revenue also decreased – from PLN 28.6 billion in the first half of 2023 to PLN 20.6 billion in the same period of 2024.Revenue from coal sales shows a similar trend, decreasing from PLN 19.4 billion to PLN 12.9 billion.
The data highlights the challenges facing the Polish coal sector, which was once a mainstay of the national economy.
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