Ogromna liczba pacjentów z infekcjami wirusowymi i bakteryjnymi w Wojewódzkim Specjalistycznym Szpitalu Dziecięcym w Olsztynie! Skala zachorowań jest tak duża, że we wszystkich oddziałach szpitalnych zajętych jest niemal 100 procent łóżek.

A large number of patients with viral and bacterial infections at the Regional Children’s Hospital Olsztyn! The scale of the disease is so great that nearly 100 percent of the beds are occupied in all hospital wards.

Viruses have become very active this year and are very virulent. They are responsible for the fact that every day children come to the Children’s Hospital in Olsztyn with symptoms of influenza and influenza-like diseases of viral etiology or with its complications, in a situation that requires hospitalization, oxygen administration and specialized diagnostics.

Not only do viral and bacterial infections and other complications, such as shortness of breath and dehydration, spread.. Almost all sections are 100% full. Most importantly, no one will be sent back without help. If necessary, we will add more beds to the rooms. The full expansion of the hospital means that we can accept more people than the number of registered beds – said the director of the hospital, Christina Peskors-Ojorek to our correspondent.

Majorzata Shnyadika, coordinator of the second pediatric department, was surprised by such a large number of patients. There are a lot of children in the suite, and the suites are overcrowded. They are mainly young patients with respiratory infections – pneumonia or bronchitis. This applies to people between 2 and 18 years old. This is a bit of a surprise to us, because this wave of infections started faster this year says the doctor.

The blockade due to respiratory infections also suffers from the night and Christmas health care and the family medicine clinic at the Children’s Hospital in Olsztyn. Even more than a hundred patients go there every day. According to doctors, when it comes to young patients, hospitalization can be avoided.

Most of these infections can be avoided if parents avoid large groups with children. Don’t go to showrooms, wash your hands often, stay away and use masks. This applies not only to the prevention of coronavirus, but also to influenza and other viruses. Remember that children over 12 years old can be vaccinated against the coronavirus, and younger children can be vaccinated against influenza. Let’s take care of ourselves – Says Pescors Ogorek.

The RSV epidemic. Hospitals in Lodz lack beds for young patients

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