The age range in Deadpool & Wolverine isn’t the most important thing. Marvel’s president explains

Journalist Didin sat down with Kevin Feige, head of Marvel and the MCU, to ask him some questions. Of course, there had to be a topic. Deadpool and Wolverine And whether this is the beginning of a more daring and innovative series, given the age group. Movies. What does Feige say?

Deadpool & Wolverine is not just for the age group

Fiji points out that Deadpool and Wolverine It attracts attention because it is their first film to receive a high R rating (content not recommended for people under 17).

– At the same time, this is the third R-rated Deadpool movie, so we wanted to be true to what Ryan built in those movies and we didn’t want to change that. People see in the trailers that it’s actually more adult – there’s profanity and blood, but – as Ryan and Hugh also said – it’s above all an emotional movie.

Marvel’s president stresses that the age range is just the tip of the iceberg. Wrapping up what’s most important in this story.

– It’s a celebration of friendship and family, including your chosen one. I don’t want to overstate it, but with all the adult content that’s thrown in, people who watch this movie will see how genuinely emotional this movie is. Less so than the first two Deadpool movies. What excites me the most is that once people get over the profanity and other adult content, they’ll see what an emotionally compelling movie it is.

He was also asked about reviving the superhero genre, but Feige stressed that he never viewed superhero stories as a separate genre, because when they were created they created different stories with different styles. The most important thing for him is that they create engaging and entertaining videos. Their quality is supposed to ensure one thing: that viewers feel that it is something worth watching on a movie screen, and not anywhere else.

It was also announced that Marvel will be actively promoting itself during San Diego Comic-Con 2024. On July 25, the first day, they have a panel dedicated to the film. Deadpool and WolverineAt night Polish time from July 27 to 28, the main session on future cinema projects will be held.

Deadpool & Wolverine – Premieres July 26 in theaters.

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