T-Mobile did just that.  In the end, you can get rid of the SIM card

T-Mobile did just that.  In the end, you can get rid of the SIM card

T-Mobile’s virtual eSIMs are also available starting today in single subscription offerings, on each of the carrier’s existing voice plans.

T-Mobile introduced the cards to its show eSIM in mid 2020. Then, however, the show was directed It was for corporate clientsh Now the operator is expanding the availability of virtual SIM cards. eSIMs are now available in purple For all T-Mobile customers – whether on a commercial or individual level, On any of the network’s existing voice subscription plans.

T-Mobile states that virtual SIM technology has been developing at T-Mobile for several years now. It was one of the first steps Introducing MultiSIMIt allows you to use a virtual copy of the card you already have so you can use it in a smartwatch.

The next step was to create the service eSIM for corporate customersThanks to this, IT officials did not have to install classic SIMs even on dozens of devices at the same time.

Now the service is available For subscribers of T-Mobile voice services For individuals and companies. They can all from today Replace your SIM with an eSIM for free Take full advantage of the capabilities that this technology offers on every compatible smartphone.

ESIM . service Available in:

  • Tariffs
  • purple
  • Jump pro

eSIM at T-Mobile – How to order?

Replacement of a SIM with an eSIM at T-Mobile can be requested in two ways – By going to one of our showrooms or by calling customer service. Card installation instructions with files With a special QR code The customer will receive an email address that he provides, and at the same time he will call his phone short message Contains the password needed to open the files. The procedure itself is not complicated and every user should deal with it easily by following the instructions provided.

More information about eSIMs at T-Mobile for individual customers can be found in the lists below.

research: Why an eSIM when you can get an iSIM. A new technology phone was introduced
research: Android 13 with important news. Google has a way to limit the eSIM

Image source: Telepolis.pl

Text source: T-Mobile

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