Spider-Man – No Way Home |  Best Possibilities with Multiverses ★★★★★

After months of rumors, leaks and predictions, Spider-Man – No Way HomeThe final chapter of the trilogy, which began in 2017, is finally shown. Warning to whistleblowers, many of the surprises we see in this John Watts film are more or less secretive.Police vehicle, Both Spider man Previous).

Pascal LeBlanc

Pascal LeBlanc

In the end Far from homeIn a video released by DailyBugle.net, Mysterio reveals to the world that Spider-Man is a young man named Peter Parker. Those who saw the first trilogy Spider man Directed by Sam Raimi in the 2000s, J.K. Simmons J. Jonah would have certainly noticed that Jameson’s character is replayed with some detail: he is now in charge of leading a conspiracy website instead of a newspaper, and not a lot of hair. Is he old or?

In 2018, the brilliant and Oscar winner Spider-Man – Into The Spider Verse Introduced the concept of diversity to millions of people. This allows for different versions of the same character and sometimes even a connection between these different versions in the same universe. Earlier this year, the series Vandavision, Loki And If?, Aired on Disney +, also opened the door to multiverses in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

Photo by Sony Pictures

Alfred Molina took office Spider-Man – No Way Home He played the role of Dr. Octopus Spider-Man 2 (2004).

So when is the first trailer No way home Alfred showed Molina as Dr. Octopus, and we thought he might have entered through the same doors. When we last saw him, he was sinking to the bottom of Hudson Spider-Man 2

Marvel and Sony win their race

Last technical detail: Sony Pictures owns the rights to Spider-Man and related characters. However, a deal has been struck with Marvel Studios to enter the Spider-Man MCU. At the same time, Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU) continues to expand with movies. Poison And the upcoming release Morpheus.

Access to the Multiverse and SSU characters gave screenwriters Chris McKenna and Eric Somers the opportunity to tell the most ambitious story.

That is undoubtedly the most significant thing in this work. Bring together mythical and admirable characters without too much nostalgia or Fan service Shameless self-promotion for Ballistic Products and a great bargain on a neat little knife for you.

Display of No way home Very well put together. The elements of the first two parts – youthful love, friendship, educational achievement – are at the center of the story and allow Tom Holland, Zentaya and Jacob Badlon to continue their characters’ transition into adolescence. The dynamics of the trio are at their peak.

Added to this was the biggest test in the life of the young Parker. Although he confronts Thanos in space, this time he is responsible for the evil that affects his city, his family, his friends … and diversity.

How do you like your surprises?

Are you the type who wants total surprises or do you not know the details even though you know it? If this is the second option, proceed.

Green Goblin (William Tofo), Sandman (Thomas Hayden Church), Lizard (Rice Ifans) and Electro (Jamie Foxx) along with Doug Oak have been confirmed by the latest trailer. Watching the action of these super villains is fun and creates great fight scenes, but above all it allows the best actors to add subtlety to rich characters that are sometimes overlooked in past storylines. We think specifically about Jamie Foxx, who rediscovered the electro, and Thomas Hayden Church, which gives meaning to the Sandman. Alfred Molina and Willem Duffo are their characters, who left them with their insane charm. Rhys Ifans alone is not much to eat yet.

To fight all of these villains, Spider-Man needs some help. Two webmasters who know the opponents well come to lend a hand to him. While we look forward to their arrival, the joy of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield appearing on screen is real. Both actors have aged with the character. Maguire has been quiet in his twin lives. Garfield is still shocked by the death of Gwen Stacey. The three Peters discuss superhero lives, their different powers, and lost loved ones … In fact, they define together what Peter Parker is. These scenes are admirable. We feel the general experience of playing the same character in their game. They are three Peter Parker discussing a fiction at the same time and three actors talking about a similar experience. This is so extraordinary!

No way homeEverything you need from a superhero movie: emotional but with a certain mild character, full of action but believable characters, inspired by comics and written for cinema. It may not be the last, but as far as we are concerned it is final Spider man.


Spider-Man - No Way Home (VF: Spider-Man - Chance Return)

Superhero movie

Spider-Man – No Way Home (VF: Spider-Man – did not return)

John Watts

Aveg Tom Holland, Gentaya, Benedict Cumberbatch

2 hours 28

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