slag.  Jason Doyle will leave Fogo Onia Liszno?  Our player comment

Already in June, Fogo Unia Leszno announced that Jason Doyle had set the conditions for further cooperation with the club. Recently, the Australian has been linked with other teams. Is the former world champion considering leaving Leszno?

Łukasz Kuczera

Łukasz Kuczera

Jason Doyle

WP SportoweFakty/Patrick Kowalski/Pictured: Jason Doyle

In June, Fogo Unia Leszno boasted that Jason Doyle had set contract terms for the 2023 season. It was big news for Bulls fans, because although the experienced Australian had weaker matches, he was still one of the top players. in the team. He finished PGE Ekstraliga matches with an average of 1.952.

However, in recent days it has been said in the environment that Doyle is sending his offers to other clubs. The Australian also complained about financial arrears in Liszno. Does the issue of the departure of the former world champion already exist? Marcin Musiał asked the person interested in PGE Ekstraliga at WP SportoweFakty about it.

And when Doyle was asked if he would represent Fogo Unia Liszno in the 2023 season, he did not confirm this. – This is a matter of negative journalists about it. At this point, I don’t want to talk about it. This is not something that should be discussed in a public forum. The rider said this is an issue between me and the club that we have to deal with before we can make any further comments.

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Pulling his tongue, Doyle confirmed that he is still in talks with Leszno. – This is malice. If you don’t like something, talk to the club first, then talk to the audience. There are cases where you talk loosely with an activist during the season and suddenly find out from the media that you signed next year at this club – he explained.

“There are a lot of rumors now and it is normal for players to talk to different clubs about the future.” We must fix the situation in Liszno before we go any further – added the former world champion.

Nor did the Australian want to admit directly that Fogo Unia owed him any money. – People should understand that at PGE Ekstraliga we are dealing with really big money. In every job you expect to be paid on time and that has to be on the fast track. This is what happens in many clubs. Both these clubs and players are trying to work together on this cause for a better future. Doyle commented, but the past must also be settled.

When Australian highway racer Marcin Musiał asked if the Bulls should settle the arrears towards him in order to continue competing in this club, he took water in his mouth. – I can’t talk about it any more, because this is not the right time and place for it. It should be a private matter – concluded.

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Will Jason Doyle leave Fogo Onia Liszno?

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