slag.  Jakub Krawczyk is the best in Żarnowica.  Three poles qualify for the IMEJ final

Jakob Krausek won the qualifying round for this year’s European Junior Singles Finals. Damien Ratajzak and Eric Bachchuber stood on the podium.

Michael Melnik

Michael Melnik

Jacob Krausek

WP SportoweFakty / Anna Kłopocka / Pictured: Jakub Krawczyk

On the original starting roster, there were only three poles – Krzysztof Sadorski, Jacob Krausek and Kakper Grzelak, while Damian Ratajzak was supposed to be in reserve. In the end, all of the above took part in the main tournament, and Anthony Mensell received the invitations.

And it was mostly Poles who were chosen as the candidates for Saturday’s contest. Their most dangerous competitor has been Erik Bachhuber, who this season represents the Trans MF Landshut Devils colors in eWinner in League One and is performing well. Regardless, Anzi Gormek showed himself very well, he only got it wrong once.

The final match of the European Junior Championships will take place on 17 September in Nagyhalasz. There, in addition to the top five from Sarnovica, Kasper Henrikson, William Dreger, Jesper Knudsen, Nikolai Heiselberg, Matthias Polistad and five players from the last tournament in Pelzno (September 3), as well as a representative of the hosts will also start. .


1. Jakob Krausek (Poland) – 14 (2,3,3,3,3)
2. Damien Ratajzak (Poland) – 13 (2,2,3,3,3) + 1st place in extra heat
3. Eric Bachuber (Germany) – 13 +2 (3,3,3,2,2) + 2nd place in extra heat
4. I Jermic (Slovenia) – 12 (3,3,0,3,3)
5. Kasper Grzelak (Poland) – 11 (3,2,2,2,2)
6. Anthony Mensel (Poland) – 10 (0.3,2,2.3)
7. Krzysztof Sadorski (Poland) – 9 (1.0,3,3,2)
8. Sam Hagon (Great Britain) – 7 (1,1,2,1,2)
9. Harry McGurk (Great Britain) – 6 (3,1,1,1, u)
10. Tino Bowen (France) – 6 (0,1,2,2,1)
11. Maximilian Trudel (Germany) – 5 (2,0,1,1,1)
12. Nathan Applet (Great Britain) – 4 (2.2.0 inches, nanoseconds)
13. Miran Braznik (Slovenia) – 3 (1,2,0, w, ns)
14. Maris Strelkovs (Latvia) – 3 (1.0,1,1.0)
15th. Bruno Bilan (Czech Republic) – 3 (0,1,1 inch, 1)
16. Jan Geneczek (Czech Republic) – 1 (0,0,0,0,1)

Running after running:
1. Bashober, Krause, Haagon, Bowen
2. Grmek, Ratajczak, Sadurski, Mencel
3. McGurk, Truedel, Strelkoff, Genesk
4. Grzelak, Ablitt, Praznik, Belan
5. Jermic, Applet, Bowen, Genesk
6. Krawczyk, Ratajczak, Belan, Strelcovs
7. Patchober, Gerzelak, McGurk, Sadorsky
8. Mensel, Praznik, Hagon, Trudel
9. Ratajczak, Bouin, McGurk, Praznik
10. Krawczyk, Grzelak, Troidl, Grmek
11. Patchober, Mencel, Bilan, Genesk
12. Sadurski, Hagon, Strelcovs, Ablitt
13. Sadurski, Bowen, Troidl, Bilan (w)
14. Krawczyk, Mencel, McGurk, Ablitt (in)
15th. Grmek, Bachhuber, Strelcovs, Praznik (in)
16. Ratajczak, Grzelak, Hagon, Jenicek
17. Munsell, Gerzelak, Bowen, Strelkoff
18. Krawczyk, Sadurski, Jenicek
19. Ratajczak, Bachhuber, Troidl
twenty. Grmek, Hagon, Belan, McGurk (u)
Additional race for second place. Ratajczak, Bachhuber

Watch the video: What next for Chomsky’s future? Steel Coach Talks About Retirement And Managers’ Many Responsibilities

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