Cybersecurity, Criminology, Psychology – what are the most popular fields of study? Most public universities in Poland have completed the first phase of recruitment, and some have already published statistics for this year. These are the fields in which the largest number of candidates applied for one place.
High school graduates will attend lectures in early October. Universities publish the first recruitment results – thanks to this we know which fields of study are currently the most popular. What is the hardest place to get into this year?
Most applicants for one place at the University of Warsaw
By the end of July, more than 30,000 people had registered to study at the University of Warsaw, including 49,431 registrations for first-cycle and long-cycle master’s studies and 6,578 registrations for second-cycle studies. Two people registered for as many as 18 courses. This is a record result – the University of Warsaw says on its website.
The university’s statistics indicate that the most popular field of study, if we take into account the number of candidates for one place, this year – just like last year – is medicine. Close behind were Oriental Studies and Japanese Studies, and the Department of Business and Management finished on the podium.
UW – Number of candidates per place in the 2024/2025 academic year:
Medical field, Full-time Master’s Degree, Long Course – 24.6
Oriental Studies – Japanese StudiesFull-time, 1st cycle – 22.8
Business and ManagementFull-time, 1st cycle – 19.1
Oriental Studies – Korean StudiesFull-time, 1st cycle – 15.8
Psychology (Psychology)Full-time and long-term master’s degree – 13.6
Oriental Studies – SinologyFull-time, 1st cycle – 12.5
English Philology – Linguistics (English Studies – Linguistics), English Philology – Literature and Culture (English Studies – Literature and Culture)Full-time, 1st cycle – 12.1
International RelationsFull time, 1st term – 10
Medicinal ChemistryFull-time, 1st cycle – 8.6
Journalism and media studiesFull-time, 1st cycle – 8.6
University of Warsaw Sandronis /
Most applicants for one place at PW
As part of the first stage of qualification for first-cycle and long-term master’s studies at Warsaw University of Technology (fields of study in Warsaw, without a branch in Płock and without candidates without Polish citizenship – ed.), 9,847 candidates applied and 27,824 applications were submitted – according to the university’s statistics. Most of the candidates applied in the following fields: cybersecurity, mechanics and machine design, mathematics and data analysis.
PW – Number of candidates for each place in the academic year 2024/2025:
Cyber Security – 19.1
Mechanics and Machine Design – 13.8
Mathematics and Data Analysis – 11.9
Data Engineering and Analysis – 11.5
Automation and Robotics – 9.9
Warsaw University of Technology, Main BuildingWarsaw University of Technology
See also: What to study for a future job. New fields of study at Polish universities
Most applicants for one place at AGH
At AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, more than 8.5 thousand applications were submitted in the first recruitment round. People – the university announces on its website, noting that the field of computer science is very popular among foreigners this year – 212 foreigners applied for 30 places. In terms of the number of candidates per position, the most popular were: cybersecurity, engineering and data analysis, computer science and intelligent systems.
AGH – Number of candidates per place in the academic year 2024/2025:
Cyber Security – 10.4
Data Engineering and Analysis – 9.1
Information Technology and Intelligent Systems – 8
Applied Computer Science – 7.4
Revitalizing degraded areas – 7.1
Social Informatics – 6.8
Mechatronics Engineering – 6.3
Power Engineering – 4.9
building – 4.9
Automation and Robotics – 4.7
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Most applicants for one place at the University of Gdańsk
Almost 30,000 students applied to study at the University of Gdańsk this year. High school graduates. The recruitment data on the university website show that the most applications were registered in the following fields: psychology (1,821), law (1,451), and economics (1,154). In terms of the number of people per place, the most popular among candidates for first-cycle studies and long-cycle master’s studies are: criminology, journalism and social communication, and Japanese studies.
UG – Number of candidates for each place in the academic year 2024/2025:
criminology – 13.1
Press and Social Media – 12.4
Japanese Studies – 10.8
psychology – 10.1
Scandinavian Studies Norwegian or Swedish Language Track – 9.7
Audiovisual production – 9.2
Knowledge about cinema and audiovisual culture – 8.8
English linguistics – 7.8
Sports Management – Management Studies – 7.6
Iberian Studies – 7.3
University of GdanskGarrick Vithke/Shutterstock
Most applicants for one spot in the United States
The University of Szczecin registered 6,867 candidates for the first recruitment for the academic year 2024/25. The most popular field in the USA for many years has been psychology. This year, almost seven candidates were registered for one position (868 people applied). There were 3.5 candidates for each place in English philology, and there were three times as many applicants interested in law studies as there were available places. There were also many applicants (almost 2.5 candidates) in the following fields: media and civilization as well as communication and psychology in business.
United States – Number of candidates per place in the 2024/2025 academic year:
psychology – 6.7
English linguistics – 3.5
law – 2.7
Media and Civilization – 2.4
Communication and Psychology in Business – 2.3
Most applicants for one place at PUM
Another university in Szczecin, the University of Pomeranian, reports a great interest in studies in the following areas: medicine (3,500 candidates, i.e. 14 candidates for one place) and medicine and dentistry (1,500, up to 21 candidates for one place). – We are in the process of recruiting. For most areas where recruitment is underway, more people have already registered than we have available places, Magdalena Stankiewicz, head of the promotion department at PUM, said at the end of July.
See also: Up to 2000 PLN per month. What scholarships can those starting their studies at Polish universities count on?,,, PAP
Main image source: Warsaw University of Technology
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