Quantum computers face a major problem. Scientists throw up their hands helplessly

The scientists believe they will be able to do just that. However, while previous solutions have involved correcting errors as they are discovered, their authors have adopted a slightly different strategy in their latest effort. Members of the research team responsible for the article published in Physics of nature Explain that the chosen method – an alternative to the method mentioned – allows for efficient and energy-efficient error correction.

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This takes the form of so-called noise that interferes with the quantum information being stored and transmitted. While searching for ways to combat errors, scientists from the US, France and Germany have realized something very important. As they explain, quantum computers are getting bigger and bigger, and as a result, tools designed to correct errors are losing their effectiveness.

Jens Eisert, one of the study’s co-authors, said he and his colleagues considered the limitations of short-range quantum computing using noisy quantum gates. As they looked at this problem, they concluded that they needed to define detailed limits to mitigate quantum errors. Based on the lessons learned, they determined how this process could help reduce the impact of noise in short-range quantum computing.

Although quantum computers offer vast capabilities for performing advanced calculations, they are also susceptible to interference in the form of noise.

Moreover, the research team members emphasize that quantum error mitigation is not as scalable as it might seem so far. On the contrary: as quantum circuits grow in size, the effort required to mitigate errors increases exponentially. This means that tools designed to combat the consequences of noise—even if they are useful—still have their limitations. And the latter may never be overcome. Unless engineers come up with a completely different approach to the subject.

Read also: The Chinese have created a powerful computing tool. This arrangement defines the future.

Despite the difficulties, the game is worth the effort. Quantum computers are capable of performing calculations much faster than their classical counterparts. For this reason, they are considered the key to securely transmitting information, designing previously unknown materials, discovering new medicines, and exploring the greatest secrets of the universe around us.

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