Polish business is no longer fighting?  More than 200,000 companies have closed or suspended their activities.

Will Polish entrepreneurs bow under the weight of rising fees and inflation? There is more and more information in the media about entrepreneurs who have given up. It turns out that these reports are corroborated by the data.

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Polish companies give up? “There is no panic, but businesses are closing”

problem polishing Companies that have noticed before, among others Adam Abramovich spokesperson for SMEs. He runs a government institution established in 2018. RMŚP is a one-person body that works to protect the interests of micro, small and medium enterprises.

It was Abramovich who prompted the Senate to introduce an amendment to the Protection Act, according to which support in the field of gas prices, intended for individual customers, will also be extended to entrepreneurs from the small and medium-sized business sector. However, the amendment proposed by senators during additional work in the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Poland was rejected.

In fact, recently more than 200,000 companies have closed or suspended their activities

– said Abramovich in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita”.

There is more data to prove that “something is happening”. By the last week of October, more 150 thousand requests to liquidate activities.

Beata Boroskovska, president of the National Chamber of Accounting Offices and owner of the accounting office BEATA from Brodnica, citing the daily, confirmed that the mood is worsening. “There is no panic yet, but businesses are closing their doors,” he says. He adds that many entrepreneurs are waiting for 2023. First, they will find out what prices they will pay for electricity, heating, and rent. Second, it will become clear whether the Polish deal will ultimately prove financially beneficial.

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Electricity prices will hit Polish companies? The shield works today, and the high VAT may return soon

Light in the tunnel freezes electricity prices. It will be expensive, but predictably expensive. The highest rate of energy is 785 PLN per megawatt-hour. – If this had not been done, many companies would not have been able to survive in the next year. However, I expect the government to take a few more stones out of the bag that entrepreneurs have to carry on their backs. It will provide, for example, the voluntary payment of personal social insurance contributions to entrepreneurs, similar to Germany, says Adam Abramovich in an interview with Rzeczpospolita.

Waldemar Boda, Head of the Ministry of Development and Technology, emphasized that “fixing the electricity price at the level of 785 PLN per megawatt-hour will allow 99 percent of Polish companies to operate and plan normally.”

The declared price of electricity today for both individual consumers and businessmen does not take into account a single factor. value added taxTemporarily taken down as part of the shield. However, it is possible that the government’s umbrella will be closed to consumers and businesses next year. The bills may then rise significantly, because the value-added tax on electricity will again reach 23 percent, not 5 percent, as it is today.

The government reassures consumers in a similar way. It ensures that 2,000 kWh of electricity “at a frozen price” is enough for everyone. But how much will those who are determined by the supreme law pay? the border Will it exceed power consumption? We don’t know this yet, because the Energy Regulatory Office has not approved energy prices Electricity. It is also not known what the gas tariffs are.

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The ministry is defending itself. Establishing new companies

MRiT argues that the situation for Polish entrepreneurs is not bad at all. “An analysis of the CEIDG registry shows that the number of active activities is currently 2.62 million, which is 48.5 thousand higher than it was on January 1, 2022 and more than 13 thousand companies are higher than October 24, 2021 am.” . Only that this data may include new companies operating in various industries. The fact that there are more companies operating in Poland today than last year does not mean that in the first quarter of the year the companies most dependent on electricity or gas prices will not begin to fall one by one.

An example is the glossy glass factories in Greater Poland. The causes of its problems are the high prices of energy resources. – We want to continue production and be competitive, although this is impossible in the current situation. The costs that we have to cover this year are about 35 million PLN. For comparison, last year it was 18 million PLN – the owner of the plant was calculated before the summer holidays in a letter sent to customers. after, after vacation Little has improved. – Currently, we are producing at a financial loss, since the main factor disturbing financial liquidity is the price of gas fuel – admitted Łukasz Busz, head of the company, in an interview with Gazeta.pl. There may be more similar companies fighting and waiting and counting on a miracle. The coming months will decide how many of them will give up.

More economic information on the home page Gazeta.pl

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