Patients after COVID-19 suffer from this complication.  See if you have them too

According to the association’s announcement, studies of thousands of patients in hospitals in Spain due to COVID-19 confirmed that suffering from this disease is associated with longer maintenance. Neurological disorders; Even for more than six months after leaving the hospital.

The document submitted to Europa Press in Madrid shows that encephalopathy, i.e. brain damageAs well as a stroke.

According to SEN estimates carried out in 2020-2021 in Spanish hospitals encephalopathy or brain attack Show result Corona virus infection In more than 20 percent infected.

The Spanish Association estimates that the average age of COVID-19 patients who develop encephalopathy or stroke at the same time fluctuates around the age of 70 and relates primarily to men.

According to the observations of Spanish scholars Most common complications nervous After travel COVID-19 He is I feel tired. This is indicated by more than 60 percent. Convalescence, especially people who have been treated after contracting coronavirus in intensive care units.

Other scholars say, Common neurological complications after succumbing to COVID-19 She, among others:

  • post-traumatic stress disorder,
  • memory problem,
  • Concentrating problems.

Source:, PAP

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