Orlin resigns from spot purchases of Russian oil

The Head of Concern at Pock emphasized that diversifying trends and stabilizing crude oil supplies to all Orlen Group refineries has been a priority for four years now.

– During this time, we have established and strengthened relations with the world’s producers of this raw material, imported and processed 100 different types of crude oil from outside Russia. Our work really translates into strengthening energy security, not only in Poland, but also in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. And our predecessors did not leave us an easy task – in 2013, almost 100% of the Block Refinery. Processed crude oil came from Russia. We were able to effectively reduce it to less than 50 percent, and even to 30 percent on the entire Orlen system. pointed out.

Orlen’s chief assured that thanks to the diversification that has been made, Płock’s concern is already ready for any scenario.

– We did not wait for the diversification war, and this is bearing fruit today. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have resigned and do not make any immediate purchases of Urals, that is, Russian oil. He noted that at that time, we had already ordered 30 tankers with alternative types of crude oil for the respective refineries in Poland, the Czech Republic and Lithuania.

Obajtyk emphasized that when supplies from the East are interrupted, the concern will maintain the stability of crude oil supplies not only to Poland, but to the whole of Central and Eastern Europe. He noted that in order to maintain market balance, the exit from Russian oil should be coordinated at the level of the entire European Union.

– From the very beginning, our activities enjoyed the full support of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and this also determined their effectiveness. The situation is similar in the case of natural gas supplies. The current government has only taken steps to make Poland independent of raw materials from Russia. Initiated and carried out major investments in infrastructure, incl. The Baltic Pipeline Project, which will ensure stable gas supplies to Poland. No crisis was awaited by important decisions, and thanks to this, Poland has ensured energy security today, as summed up by President Orlin.

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