“Sami swoi” by Sylwester Chęciński is one of the most popular Polish comedies. The trials and tribulations of the feuding Kargul and Pawlak families have been drawing successive generations of Poles to their television sets for years. The 1967 film led to a trilogy that also consisted of “No Strengths” and “Love or Quit”. Famous actors such as Wacław Kowalski, Władysław Hańcza, Anna Dymna, Jerzy Turek, and Edward Kłosiński. The screenplay is written by Arkadiusz Mularczyk, and the music is by Wojciech Kilar.
The next batch will be created by “themselves”
According to the naEkranie portal, actor Artur Żmijewski is set to make his directorial debut in the prequel “On Your Own”, which tells the story of the times before the film was launched. The action ends when the Paflak and Kargol Kreisi families leave for the Regained Lands.
The cast will include Zbigniew Zamachowski, Mirosław Baca, Anna Demna, Wojciech Malajkat, Adam Ferenci and Polina Jazka. The first slap fell in February of this year. In the ethnographic park of Tokarnia near Kielce, shooting will continue until June this year – says Naikrani. The premiere is scheduled for next year.
“Amateur social media maven. Pop cultureaholic. Troublemaker. Internet evangelist. Typical bacon ninja. Communicator. Zombie aficionado.”