‘My Grandfather Was A Part Of It’: This Crazy Story From A Dirty War Ministry Actor – Cinema News

In The Ministry of Dirty War, available on Prime Video, the British Army’s Secret Service is responsible for increasing the number of conspiracies against the Reich’s military. For one of the actors, this team is not an invention.

Ministry of Dirty War is the naughty film of the moment, exclusively available on Prime Video. Directed by Guy Ritchie, it tells the story of the first special forces organization formed during World War II by a small group of military officers, including British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and author Ian Fleming.

This top-secret combat unit consisting of thugs and snipers undertakes a daring mission against the Nazis using highly unconventional and completely “unrealistic” combat techniques.

Unexpected connection!

While Henry Cavill is the lead, the film also stars famous actors and actresses. Among them, Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride, Twister…), who lends his features to Brigadier “M” Gubbins, who is known as Sir Colin Gubbins.

The latter was headed by Churchill at SOE (Ministry of Special Operations or Gentlemanly Warfare), an elite group that spoke about the film. During our meeting last March, the 63-year-old actor revealed as much to us: He is closely related to a former member of the SOE…

“My grandfather was part of this top-secret unit. He was hired by the person I play on screen. He landed in Albania in 1943 and formed a sort of resistance force to fight the Italians and Germans. It’s a film I particularly care about and is connected to my story.”

His grandfather was none other than Neil “Billy” McLean, who was decorated on March 23, 1944 for his duty in Albania. Although he did not participate in Operation Postmaster mentioned in The Ministry of Dirty War, he helped the Allies win the war.

A famous actor was in this elite unit!

But Cary Elwes’ grandfather wasn’t the only person recruited by the SOE, he explained to us:

“I worked with Christopher Lee A few years ago, he explained to me that he had also followed missions within this privileged elite. We were in Rome shooting a movie about the Pope and he told me how he taught me to kill people with knives. But without making noise.

In fact, Lee (The Lord of the Rings) would have participated in various operations, including Yugoslavia. It was in this country that he would meet Jozef Prose, known as “Tito”, the future leader of the country and later the leader of the communist resistance. Later the two became friends.

Ministry of Dirty War, watch on Prime Video.

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