Mateusz Borek twisted in explaining the chauvinistic advertisement of his “Union”: “I’m not asexual! I respect all women”

this year Matthew Borek He had a real gift for all the ladies. On March 8, a video promoting the upcoming version of brutal fights in the ring was posted on the network gromdaHe is a “simple boy from Dębica” who is the co-organizer. It is not known whether the gentlemen working on the film wanted to brag about their misunderstanding of irony, or maybe they did not have a penny of intuition, since only a few minutes of recording depend mainly on the show. Treating women exceptionally low and objective.

The models participating in the film wear only tight lace underwear, deftly lick their lips, stroke their buttocks and suggestively handle firearms.. The picture is completed by the moving voice of the narrator, who announced during close-up shots of the swollen breasts of one of the women that “k*rwa will always be k*rwa”. There is also a lot of talk about the father. “Real damned” and check “bream”. Everything is preserved in it Gangster atmosphere steeped in kitschWhich might be a bit surprising, considering the way the gentlemen of the sports channel recently fired people promoting pathology on the internet.

It didn’t take long for Dubica and his comrades to receive a well-deserved flurry of criticism. Soon, it was time for the official “apology”. However, it looks like they will only make matters worse. The journalist only apologizes in case of offending someone and moves very efficiently to the so-called “bulldozer”. boric He starts to suggest it He’s actually the victim of the whole accident.

See also: Mateusz Borek mansions after GROMDA 7. “We’ve had the best tournaments in history”

Tough day for me. for my family. A wave of comments poured in. I just want to say that If any of the ladies feel offended, I sincerely apologize. Maybe we’re not entirely proud of this latest film of ours. Someone will say that it is cheesy, that it is weak, that it is poorly assembled, but it seems to me that No one fully understood the message of this movie – says Borek in the recording.

It should be noted here that Borek is unable to keep his sight on the camera even for a split second. The whole time his eyes rolled nervously.

It becomes more fun. The co-founder of Kanał Sportowy begins to state officially that he really loves and respects women very much. He also points out that the ladies may have been offended by the way the media presented his recording, which really calls for revenge from heaven.

I hate male chauvinism. I hate treating women objectively. I’m not sexistSo many people on the Polish internet are trying to convince me. My father has always been raised as a man who respects women. From grandmother, through mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, friend. I just wanted to say it If any of the ladies are offended by this latest movie and how the media presented it, then heartily… – At this point the recording stops.

Maybe Borek made a bet StanovskyWho will win the honorable first place this year in a box-like survey on the embarrassment of the year? We must admit that the competition is very fierce at the moment.

See also: GROMDA 8 – official trailer. You come here at your own risk.

I wonder why all these women agreed to take part in such a “spot” …. they probably knew what text would accompany the photo ….

This is a disgusting ad. Porn, violence and dirty money are the vocabulary of rock bottom. I could have believed the video montage but those words from his mouth are neither a joke nor a fake. massacre! Smear his name. Or has it always been this way? Thank you very much for this respect for women.

Sexism is great everywhere. Recently, in the official profile of WST on fb, that is, the snooker union, there was a short interview with the player, which was given by an attractive girl, under only vulgar comments about her sexuality. network device. This unfortunately will never change 🙁

But it turned orange. I wish I was ashamed…

Pudelek, you better write about Jan Kabila’s sexist comments on Twitter about Ukrainian women

Recent Comments (40)

Effective advertising, because I do not know the genre, and now it shines on Pudelek. It doesn’t matter what they say.

Who is Matthew Borek?

I was sure it was an advertisement for some escort agency. Well, and maybe a little differently, I imagine an attractive, attractive and sexy woman

And those girls out there, how can you not be ashamed of them 🤮

What a deception. Ah, in our country they say goodbye when they see something like this.

Do not pretend such virtues, you break balls in front of men (especially the stupid kind) and then materialize …

And I’m going to write this – I’m practicing boxing (recreationally) and I think Borek has something to apologize for and I’m going to write about what. Definitely not for this movie, because the clip is very beautiful and fun to watch. The women were presented in a seductive, sensual and sexy way – they had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, they looked great. The scene with the bream – the crucian carp made me laugh to tears. Text: “W..and there will always be…” I find strong, forthright, and subtle. So what should you be apologizing for? For an unacceptable formula of boxing fights, unhealthy and unsportsmanlike. Burke takes us back to the Middle Ages. These people are putting their health and life at risk for money. In old age, if they lived to see it at all, I would bear the health consequences of my injuries. Nobody denies them the character and the will to fight, but the mind – and yes. In boxing, technique and number of dexterity – they must be improved, as well as in sparring, while reducing the risk of injury and protecting the nervous system. That’s what gloves were invented for. Abandoning them is barbaric. In short, the video is very nice, but the fighting formula is unacceptable.

I pulled some malicious words off the cliff and I’m surprised there aren’t many comments

Shame and shame again for this man and those ladies who are behaving so extravagantly

The weekend begins. Hello !!!

Rulez hole, a stimulator I promote for my pupils, stadium encephalopathy, severe chronic traumatic brain injury. The development of encephalopathy takes longer, the average age of onset of symptoms is 12-16 years from the start of a professional life.

Do you say say. This is what it is: Licentia poetica and Borek Nice guy, come on.

The bottom of the movie is below Burek’s statement.

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